
I'm building attraction today--can I attract you to some fun bedtime reading for Christmas in Bethlehem's Baby? Or perhaps Monique McDonnell's more adult romantic comedy, Building Attraction, is more your kind of thing. Of course, there's no rule against being attracted to more than one genre, and I'd love it if you'd take a serious look at both books-one for the kids and one for you. But today is Building Attraction's day, and I'm delighted to offer an excerpt from Monique's novel, in hopes of attracting you to her writing.

Meet the protagonists... an excerpt from Building Attraction by Monique McDonnell

He knew from the minute he walked into the EPR boardroom today that Holly Adams did not like him. He was an hour late, but that had been a genuine mix-up. His secretary had given him the wrong time. He was normally fastidious about punctuality. However, he knew it was more than that.
Holly Adams had him pegged as a guy punching above his weight, so to speak. She saw him as a guy who was handed a job on a silver platter that he wasn’t qualified for. She was right to an extent, but she didn’t know the full story and he couldn’t tell her, even if he wanted to. Not that it had been any of her goddamned business in the first place. He had tried to smooth things over with her at the time and she had been nothing but courteous but her distrust of him was obvious.

Ah, but

She was fascinating. Mesmerizing even. He’d never seen anything as erotic as that woman bent over the car hood fixing her engine and snapping her knife shut against her thigh. It was primal and capable and so completely foreign to him. He was used to women who needed help to open their champagne let alone fix their cars.
If you want to know if this small attraction will grow into something larger, you'll have to read the book. At 58,000 words Building Attraction would make a great read for a long lunch-break, or a pre-Christmas vacation

Title: Building Attraction
Author: Monique McDonell
Published: October 31st, 2013
Word Count: 58,000
Genre: Chick Lit, Romantic Comedy
Content Warning: Adult Sexual Content
Recommended Age:  16+

Hers has been a life of too many responsibilities and his has been a life of too few. Could the thing that initially repelled them from each other finally be the ultimate source of attraction?

Holly Adams has two jobs in the city, two petulant teenage sisters to support, a farm with a big mortgage and a terrible secret that propels her forward. Brad Winchester has a reputation for being a spoilt playboy who has abandoned his family business but he also has a secret that has finally brought him home.

When they are forced together at work (Holly works at the cut-throat PR Consultancy that handles his family’s account Winchester Homes – “They don’t build homes, they build dreams”)  a series of misunderstandings has them at odds.

Still working together they learn they have more in common than either might have imagined – common friends, family loyalty and dreams of something different. When life keeps pushing them in each other’s paths they must decide whether this is an attraction that might be worth building on after all.

Where to find it...

About the Author:

Monique is an Australian author who writes contemporary women's fiction including chick lit and romance. She lives on Sydney's Northern Beaches with her husband and daughter, and despite a dog phobia, has a dog called Skip.

Monique has written all of her life, especially as a child when she loved to write short stories and poetry. At University she studied Creative Writing as part of her Communication degree. After wards she was busy working in public relations and didn't write for pleasure for quite a few years although she wrote many media releases, brochures and newsletters. (And she still does in her day-job!)

When Monique began to write again she noticed a trend - writing dark unhappy stories made her unhappy. So she made a decision to write a novel with a happy ending and she has been writing happy stories ever since.

Where to find her...

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Sheila Deeth said…
Welcome to my blog Monique. I used to write sad endings all the time when I was a kid, but I found the same thing as you when I grew up, writing sadness makes me sad. I've got admit, I still enjoy the odd tearjerker though.

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