Kings, Captives, Faeries, Warriors, Princes, and Traitors. Even Sasquatch!
NEW RELEASE! HAPPY BOOKDAY! FAERIES & WARRIORS! This series has it all: Kings, Captives, Faeries, Warriors, Princes, and Traitors. Even Sasquatch! How can you resist a tagline like that. I wouldn't have resisted, but this year has been so crazy with all my various hospitalizations. But I'm well now, so maybe I'll get to read it now. I've certainly enjoyed many other of Dana Pratola's books. Here's what the author says: ~~It's not your mother's Christian fiction.~~ God gave me a passion to write Christian Romance. These books don’t contain explicit sex scenes, but my characters have real desires, struggles and choices to make. A lot of the time they make the wrong ones. No subject is prohibited, but good always triumphs and God is glorified. In my personal life, He has also blessed me with a wonderful husband and three dynamic children, all of whom are destined to make wide, colorful splashes in this world. We share our New Jersey home with three