When mystery turns to romance
Today I get to interview author Aaron Paul Lazar right here on my blog. I first (virtually) met Aaron on the Gather.com website. He was one of those people who wrote real books and had a real publisher--he was who I wanted to be. And he wrote great blogposts too. I'd listen to videos of him reading his books and think "I've really got to read that." And then, by some curious chance, I got the chance to read a book called Mazurka, one of his Gus LeGarde mystery series, and I was hooked. Since then I've read several more in that series, plus books in other series. I've met an amazing bird. I've followed young teens across the Gennessee valley. I've gazed into the heart of a green marble. And now I've read Aaron Lazar's first seriously romantic novel--and I love it! So... Your other books are not without romance. What do you think makes this one more of a romantic novel than they are? And did you deliberately choose to make it so? Sheila