Happy New Year

New year already? Really?

We played some board games yesterday and realized I still hadn't put them away since Christmas 2010! Procrastination rules. But tidying them up means hiding away reminders of the kids. I like to keep them around, board games and kids. Since the "kids" are all grown, I guess I'll probably keep those board-game boxes piled under a table till Christmas 2012.

Highly recommended--Settlers, Dominion, Railroad Tychoon and El Grande...

Meanwhile, Happy New Year!And here's a few children's book's I've been reading to usher in new hopes and new inspirations... (and coffee of course).

Cardsharp, by Paul Oliver Westmoreland, is the first in a series of adventures centering on art historian Vincent Ward. And yes, someone who studies art can have seriously exciting adventures. A wonderful way to introduce the modern teen to the wonders of serious art, this series promises to be great fun. It's a pleasing blend of history, authentic information, and thoroughly modern action, told with an enjoyably English accent and spiced with a convincing international flavor. Enjoy this easy-reading adventure with a 2-star lively easy-drinking cup of coffee.

The other books will all get rolled into one review since they're part of series. I got hooked on Erin Hunter's warrior cats after my husband gave me the first series for Christmas 2010. Christmas 2011 brought a boxed set of series 2, Warriors, the New Prophesy, and I'm still hooked. If anything, there's even more depth to the stories and feline characters now as they seek the wisdom of their ancestors when human Two-Legs threaten their home. Highly recommended. Enjoy with 4-star complex coffee flavors and read them straight after your kids.


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