
The proofs arrived from Lulu and they look good (though the yellows have an oddly greenish tinge on the print inside. Maybe I'll blame it on the light.) I guess I need to proof-read them all now-- kind of the point --so I apologize in advance for being slow to post and respond on the internet...

Two Bible study guides--lots of references for me to check before I add them to my free downloads collection.

Dribble-It--a year's-worth of 50-word stories and poems, with space for readers to dribble their own words too.

Joshua's Journeys--a collection of 3-minute read-aloud stories based on events from Leviticus through Joshua in the Bible. And

A Bible Book of Laws--a child's-eye view of the Ten Commandments with questions to send the adults searching through their Bibles.


maryrussel said…
You've been really busy with your writing. Nice covers.
Nikki (Sarah) said… have been writing....way to go

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