A something of something and something
There's a cool resonance to that kind of title isn't there? I read a Court of Thorns and Roses some time ago, and finally got hold of the second two in the series. And loved them. Then there's a House of Salt and Sorrows, with a name that matches these, and a theme - fairytale all grown up - that matches too. Interesting... A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J Maas I think I’m hooked (blame my daughter-in-law). I love this series, and this second book was no disappointment. I love how the author takes a fairly complete story, then adds a whole new level to entice and entertain. Feyre and Tamlin were surely in love, but now their relationship fractures under the strain of the events in book 1. And maybe the fractures were always there. And maybe they’re not meant for each other. Except perhaps… All the questions feel so real, and Feyre’s struggles to come to terms with her feelings resonate with the reader. Meanwhile politics and power rear their ugly heads and somethi...