Some children's books, for light relief

Time off from cell-phones and internet was great fun, but it's left me with a huge backlog of emails. Meanwhile time spent in the beauty of Alaska has left me with tons of books to read and review. I thought I'd start with some children's books--quicker to read, lighter on the heart, and some of them truly delightful! So here's some comments, with links to reviews, and coffee recommendations (not ratings--I leave readers to draw their own conclusions about what they want to read).

First comes a truly beautiful little Christmas book--I wish this one had been around when my kids were small. Kelly Moss's The Santa Club answers that dreaded question "Is Santa Claus real?" in a way that's simultaneously honest, appropriate, and faithful to the reason for the season. Enjoy a 2-star bright lively coffee while sharing this with the kids. And come back tomorrow to read Kelly Moss's guest post on my blog.

Next is a zombie book that had me laughing out loud and smiling contentedly--Sean of the Dead for kids perhaps? MJA Ware's Super Zombie Juice Mega Bomb is as zany as its title, with very believable voice and character as young Nathan relates his curiously changing friendship with Misty and his attempts to save the world (or at least his town) from the living dead. Enjoy another 2-star bright lively coffee with this one.

And, continuing the fantasy theme, M.R. Mattias's Cold-hearted Son of a Witch is book two of his Dragoneers Saga, filled with fascinating characters, a delightfully detailed and well-imagined world, strange cultures and determined friendship in the face of danger--I'm looking forward to book three.

Now to finish some of those more adult novels so I can post more reviews... though perhaps I should finish some washing and cleaning first, or even pull some of those dandelions out of the grass (grass out of the dandelions might be a better approach).


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