Meet Minnette Meador

Today's your chance to meet Minnette Meador, author of The Gladiator Prince... and to learn about the history of London. Be prepared to discover some truly fascinating facts... and when you've discovered them, go look for the book:



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Minnette describes herself as...Somewhere between thirty and hair, blue eyes...six kids, one slightly used husband, and any number of pets from time to time... wanttabe hippy... wanttheirmoney musician and actress for 20 Years... native Oregonian... lover of music, beauty, and all things green. Willing slave to the venerable muse. Minnette currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband, having replaced the children with one dog. The dog, Pierre, pretty much runs the show.

She's also a great speaker, a really enjoyable writer (in several different genres) and an all-round very nice person. Over to you Minnette...
Londinium was a skeleton of its former self. Four years before it had been razed to the ground by the sweeping fury of Boudiga and her hoards of angry Brits. Nothing had been left save the charred cement fragments of a few buildings. Those who escaped came back to a leveled wasteland.

Thane had to admire the Romans; soldiers and civilians alike stripped to their loincloths worked together to rebuild the city. Ramshackle houses and tents sprang up everywhere mixed in with piles of lumber, clay pots of paint and mounds of lime, mortar, sand and brick.

A grand forum and basilica were nothing more than a spider web of scaffolding, but Thane knew they would get it back to its former splendor; indeed more so. Since Julius Alpinus Classicianus had taken over as procurator, relationships began to heal with the Brits. An intermixture of Brit, Roman and even Gauls scurried about the city like ants building their hills.

It took them an hour to move through the town, skirting building sites and vendors crying from the street. They stopped only once to get loose meat slathered with butter tucked into unleavened bread, a delicacy Thane had learned to appreciate after the Roman occupation. THE GLADIATOR PRINCE, CHAPTER XX

In 60AD before there were castles, before there were Saxons, or Anglos, or Vikings, or priests, there were retired rich Romans in London, then called Londinium. There were no walls (much to the chagrin of her citizens), few soldiers, beautiful fountains, forums and spas. This was a retirement village for the elite Roman generals and their wives. That is until Boudicca and her warriors razed Londinium, and her people, to the ground.  

Britannia was first conquered because the young inexperienced Julius Caesar needed a conquest to prove himself as a leader. After two disastrous attempts, the Romans did not try again until 43AD, when they successfully invaded with the aid of the Trinovantes and Iceni tribes. Ironically, the two tribes who they would later wipe out when Boudicca rose up against them in 60AD.

Londinium in its first incarnation was a thriving town filled with the rich, shops, villas, and houses. The elite of Rome came with their wives and children, slaves, cousins, and anyone else who could afford the trip. A summer playground, Londinium was a bustling city in 60AD. At this time, Rome had been in Britain for 17 years and the city sprang up with the growing population. They considered it secure from the outside world; so secure, in fact, that there was no wall and very few Roman soldiers to protect the city.

When General Suetonius arrived after hearing about rumors of a gigantic Celtic horde moving to Londinium, he stood upon a hill overlooking the city and ordered his legions to retreat; the city was indefensible. He would have to find better ground to meet the Brits with the 10,000 soldiers he had with him. Many of the Londinium people stayed behind, not believing the rumors. Two days later the British Celts moved on the city and burned it to the ground.

It is a very interesting parallel to think about Londinium, a modern thriving city, with ancient Celts in their hillforts only miles away and American western cities build a few miles away from Indian villages. The Romans considered Celtic territory as rugged frontier just as Americans considered the west in the same light. There are many other parallels as well; the native Celts traded with the Romans for food, medicines, blankets, and modern conveniences, just as the Indians did. The Romans also brought disease with them to the isle early on just as Europeans brought disease to America as well. Of course, the final parallel is very chilling; just as the Europeans pushed the Indians off their land, killed them outright or absorbed them into their culture, so did the Romans, Anglos, and Saxon merge and destroy much of what was the Celtic way in Britain. By the end of Rome’s 400-year occupation of Britain, Rome left the British Isle to fend for itself and it entered into the dark ages.

This was a very interesting time to write about in all the books, but especially in The Gladiator Prince since it takes you from the countryside of Britain, to the skeletal beginnings of a new Londinium, onto a ship sailing over the Mediterranean, and finally, to the sparkling magnificent city of Rome itself. The contrasts between these worlds were deep, colorful, and eye-opening.

Thanks to Sheila for inviting me to her wonderful blog… and letting me share a glimpse into the ancient world. :o)

Thank you Minnette!
Find out more. Go to


Mary Preston said…
Whoever said history is dead, needs to read your work & this post. Just fascinating. History is a living, breathing entity.

Minnette Meador said…
Good morning, everyone! Hope you enjoy today's article. I want to send a special thanks to Sheila for sharing her amazing blog with us today and to congratulate her on a new release coming out in October... more to come on that!

Hi, Marybelle... Thanks so much. Londinium is very interesting and gets more interesting as you move through history.
Bama said…
*dragging my butt in* Morning! :)
tammy ramey said…
Hi Minnette,
i love reading your posts, i always learn something new and interesting.
Sheila Deeth said…
Thank you for visiting my blog Minnette, and for sharing your research on "my" capital city. The parallels of history are always fascinating--nothing new under the sun, as someone once said. I really enjoyed your post.
Chelsea B. said…
Thank you for sharing this wonderfully interesting post! :-)

Na said…
That is a fascinating look into Londinium and one that is new to me. I liked how everyone came together to bring a city back to life. It must not have been easy but neverthless worthwhile. I wonder how they handled natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. It's another take on picking up the pieces literally.
Minnette Meador said…
I'm glad you drug yourself in, Bama!

Thanks, Tammy!

Thank you for inviting me, Sheila! I'm glad you talked me into this. I soooo want to visit London one day...

My pleasure, Chelsea!

Don't know how many natural disasters they had, Na, but I know fire took out London more than once. It was the largest fear of cities of those times, because they used so much wood in their building and beyond buckets, they didn't have pumps to bring water to the flames.
Shadow said…
Awesome post! Your full of wonderful facts and history! I always hated that class, im finding that maybe its not so bad after all. lol Thanks for sharing! Hope your having a wonderful week!
Christiana said…
G'morning Minnette, This was a wonderful peek at the book. Just wanted to stop in, and re-post my comment, since I was having so much trouble yesterday. I love hearing about the history, and It reminds me of the great Chicago fire and the Fire that nearly destroyed San Francisco at one point.

Minnette Meador said…
Thanks, Shadow... See, history can be interesting!

Hi, Christiana - I'm sorry you were having so much trouble, but the last comment came in okay. Fires have destroyed lots of cities of the past. Now we have updated fire fighting and fire fighters! :o)
Minnette Meador said…
Thanks so much for joining me! And the winner of the Kindle, Nook, or eBook format of The Centurion & The Queen or any of my other books is...


Congratulations, girl. Drop a line to mmeador at minnettemeador dot com and let me know which book you would like and in what format.

A special thanks to Sheila for sharing her wonderful blog with us!

See you guys at the next stop! M:o)
Dawn Wilson said…
This sounds very interesting! History is rife with potential story ideas. It must have been time-consuming doing all of your research for this novel but obviously well worth it. The book sounds fascinating. Good luck with it.
Minnette Meador said…
Thanks, Dawn! It does take a long time to research something like this, but I've been studying this period for a couple of years now and it gets easier. Thanks so much for coming over to the blog hop! M:o)
Sheila Deeth said…
Congratulations Chelsea B ! And many thanks Minnette. Oddly enough, my husband was asking at lunch today, did I think there was any similarity between the Celts in Britain and what happened when Europe invaded Northern America.

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