GBA mystery reviews

The mystery section must have been one of the biggest in the Dan Poynter Global eBook Awards. There were lots of wonderful books there--many that I'd already read, but so many more it was hard to choose which I wanted to read. I really enjoyed browsing those virtual shelves. And I drank lots of coffee!

Healey's Cave, by Aaron Paul Lazar, made the winners' circle in Mystery/suspense, much to my delight. A gentle mystery with deep family relationships, pleasantly aging characters, genuine heartache, and a lovely feel for scenery in the Genesee valley; drink a heart-warming balance full-flavored 3-star coffee with this one.

Memories (Firehouse Family #1) by Laurie Loveman, by contrast, is set in Depression-era Woodhill,  Ohio, and brings the world of horses, arson, prohibition and firefighting to vivid life with gentle romance and generous wisdom. Memories won the award for Mystery/suspense, and this looks like being such a good series I had to read the second one too--The Quarry (Firehouse family #2) by Laurie Loveman (which made the winners circle in Mystery/amateur sleuth. I just wish I'd had time to read more. Enjoy large mugs of 3-star well-balanced coffee with these novels.

Another winning circle book in Mystery/amateur sleuth was H2Glo (A Bailey Quinn Environmental Misadventure) by P.D. Abbey. Since it's set in the Pacific Northwest, you'll definitely need a coffee to get the ambience--a 3-star balanced, full-flavored one will go nicely. But don't use bottled water!

She's My Dad, by Iolanthe Woulff, is set in a modern world of family values vs. human concern, where an overblown politician plots the demise of a very liberal college, and a young man falls in love. Nicely plotted and definitely exciting, drink a 5-star dark intense coffee with this tale.

And finally, a much more conventional mystery is Murder is for the birds, by Pat McGrath Avery. Set in Texas, with retired cop helping young cop solve the murder of an editor. Lots of dialog brings the story to life. Drink a 1-star light crisp coffee and enjoy the morning breeze from the bird sanctuary.


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