Flower Child Blog Tour
With thanks to all those wonderful friends who've offered their support, their help, their advice, and even their blogs as Flower Child begins my first ever blog-tour... Here's a list of all the places I'll be visiting. I've put a nice sparkly banner at the top of the page too, so readers can get back to this list anytime with just one click. I'll update, fix errors, and add addresses as things change, but, so far, I think it's okay. And again, thank you all! These are all great blogs to visit anyday--why not check them out now? I'll post links and reminders all through October so you can visit them again and meet me there. Flower Child : just been released by Gypsy Shadow Publishing: Find it on Amazon! Find it on Smashwords ! Or follow my October Flower Child blog tour to learn more: 1. Aubrie Dionne: with thanks to a local writers' group. http://authoraubrie.blogspot.com/2011/10/guest-post-by-gsp-author-sheila-deeth.html 2. Jenna-Lynne ...