Are you going to the Fair?

I'm honing my drabbling skills and digging out my notes as I get ready for the 2012 eFestival of Words Virtual Book Fair. There's only one week to go before kickoff, and it's free to join, so...

Are you going to the Fair?

You'll find book awards, panel discussions, workshops, and even a swag bag of goodies to compete for when you register. Plus, on Friday 17th at 2pm Eastern time I'll be leading a DRABBLE WORKSHOP! I'd love to meet you there.

Want to know what a drabble is?

Show don’t tell. Make every word count.Select your scenes. And be unique. Drabbles provide a way to practice all these, kind of like warming up before writing that marathon novel. A drabble is a story, with beginning, middle and end, told in precisely 100 words—no hesitation, deviation or repetition allowed. We’ll edit for word-count, choose whereto use those evocative descriptions, lose the space-fillers and cover the cutting room floor in this drabble workshop. Drabble your poems and essays too,dribble in 50 words, or drip 25, then watch your writing grow healthy, lean and strong.

Go to to find some seasonal drabble gift books and even "look inside." Or look at my Dribs'n Drabs blog to find some drabble tales shrunk down to drips.


Anonymous said…
What a neat concept, Sheila. Too often, I find myself coming up with a drabble after I've written the darn thing, which is totally backwards. Having a one-sentence summary from the start would be a useful tool. :)

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