BLOG TOUR: With thanks to our local Writers' Group

I'm over on Aubrie Dionne's blog today so I hope you'll click on the link and visit me. If you've ever wondered whether it's worth your while joining a local writers' group, well, I give you my answer there, and my thanks to Cedar Mill Writers' Mill!

Aubrie is the author of Paradise 21, a fascinating sci-fi, future-history, with space ships, aliens, complex emotions and a more than capable heroine--see my review here. But it was her Seasons of Fantasy short stories that introduced me to Aubrie, and also to Gypsy Shadow publishing. Since this blog tour celebrates Gypsy Shadow's releasing my third ebook, Flower Child, I owe Aubrie a very big thankyou too!

...AND Aubrie, a veteran of previous blog tours, encouraged me to go on this tour! An all-around good writer, good friend, and valued colleague on this strange path to publication.


May the month of October tour be good to you...enJOY!

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