Wednesday on Thursday again

The Wednesday Writing essentials prompt was a bit more complicated this time:
• mention one of these six obstacles to achieving goals – procrastination; crisis management; switching and floundering; television, telephones, internet and friends; emotional blocks; and illness
• use the word August
• reference temperature in some way
• freewrite for five minutes and include that freewrite at the beginning of your article.

So here’s my effort, though I struggled to find five uninterrupted minutes:


His most august majesty sits above us, cool in his shade while we broil in the heat down below. A lazy movement implies no procrastination, no prevarication now, don’t switch your point of view or flounder. We live to obey. We live to serve.

But, since he’s a cat and he’s stuck in the tree, we also live to find a stepladder and climb and rescue him.

And since the son is filling in his next online MFA application, with me as backup, I’m not sure I have five minutes for freewriting, but I’ve used two and a half (so the computer time says) so my cup’s half full.

and writing...

His most august majesty sits above us, cool in his shade while we broil in the heat down below. We watch and wait for his command.

His lazy movement implies no procrastination will be allowed. Remember now, he seems to say, you mortals merely live to understand and to obey.

The hanging tail twitches again. The claws cling tight to the tree. Then we who serve find a stepladder to rescue our errant friend.

And mother lives to serve the child, the child to serve the future, while the august cat that rules us all is contentedly serving the past.

(100 words)


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