My first post-promo review!

I woke up this morning, set up the computer to Skype with family in England, waited for brothers to come online, and checked my book on Amazon. Of course, it's not free anymore, so it's lost that glorious #1 position, but here's a screenshot I took earlier, just to remind me...

and here's a link to a lovely review that arrived overnight on Amazon!

I bounced around the room in excitement. What a great review! Then my kind husband responded, yes, it's good, but it's not great.

"Of course it's great," say I in dismay. "Just look at it! My first post-promo review, and it says everything I could possibly want it to say. What's not great about that?"

"It's a good review," says my husband, then tells me I should have more confidence. "You should expect good reviews; shouldn't be so amazed."

Which, I suppose, is a compliment. But I'm  still amazed, still over the moon, still thrilled and delighted and more...

Genesis People... "exactly what the Sunday School teacher needs to reach and teach youngsters... a perfect gift." Thank you to my wonderful reviewer, and to all the people who bought and are reading my book. I hope you'll love it.

And, if you didn't buy it when it was free, well, it's still there, still on sale, still waiting to entice you.


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