And so, to book reviews...

There's a good book going free on Amazon kindle today and tomorrow--Jackie Gamber's Redheart (read my review of Redheart, and its sequel Sela at these links)--so head on over there if my reviews have enticed you.

Meanwhile, here are some more book reviews... (Don't forget, the coffee recommendations are for style, not value, and the blue links take you to longer reviews on Gather.)

How to travel the world for free, by Michael Wigge, will be released as a TV series soon and is definitely interesting, though there's no way I'll be planning to follow in the author's footsteps. With a lot of determination and a serious willingness to beg steal or borrow en route, he makes it from Berlin to Antarctica--the end of the world--and writes a great journal filled with characters, social commentary and great scenery. Enjoy this one with 5-star intense cup of coffee--the trip gets pretty intense sometimes.

Snare, by Deborah Ledford, is a police procedural detective mystery with music, style and character. When a Native American pop singer finally decides to reveal herself to her public, Detective Steven Hawk is assigned to protect her. And when somebody tries to kill her then runs away, Hawk wants to know who both the killer and the secret savior might be. Enjoy this elegant complex tale with a 4-star elegant complex coffee.

Libby Fischer Hellman's A Bitter Veil offers fascinating insights into Iran at the time of the revolution, as a young American student falls for and marries the son of rich Iranian friends of the Shah. The story's told with vivid detail and quiet sympathy--truly enthralling, and best enjoyed with 5-star bold dark coffee as the falling night is definitely intense. 

Dave Riggler's Stories, by Brian Hartman, invite the reader into the world of a man in a wheelchair. I was given one of these stories free to review. It's called Tuesday and it gives an intriguingly different point of view on a famous Tuesday one September. The things that jump into our minds when a building's on fire might be different if running downstairs has never been a possibility. The stories are fairly light, stream-of-consciousness, and vividly real. Enjoy with 2-star easy-drinking coffee.

Finally, Brian Thompson's The Revelation Gate is a Biblicaly themed fantasy with references from all over the Bible hidden in the situations faced by a wealth of characters. Wars, slavery, torture and rebellion all point to the fulfillment of a strange prophecy, but who will win? It's written in with a heavily mythical drumbeat, best enjoyed with a 5-star bold dark coffee.

And so, to writing... 72,000 words and counting.


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