Boring Facts and Beautiful Blogs

Helen Ginger gave me a beautiful blogger award, and while reading her article I watched the slideshow in her sidebar. Hers is most certainly a beautiful blog.

No slideshows here—not yet anyway—but I gather I’m meant to share seven interesting things about myself and nominate seven other beautiful bloggers…

Interesting things… I have a feeling I’ve probably shared everything interesting (and many things not) in my previous posts, but I’ll see what I can think of.

1. My youngest son graduates from college this summer.
2. My oldest son graduates from medical school on the same day.
3. They’re in different states.
4. I haven’t yet mastered the art of being in two places at once, though motherhood has at least improved my imitation of the art.
5. Motherhood has also improved my skills at doing more than two things at once…
6. …and at reading more than two books at once…
7. …and at partaking in more than two conversations at once—one per child plus one for the spouse with the aid of two phones, one computer, real life, and sometimes even simultaneous transatlantic Skype.

So, my beautiful blogger friends:

Writing is a Blessing recently reached 100 followers, which surely should be honored with an award.
Wrinkly Writers, where Gladys Hobson posts some lovely short stories—I’m so glad I found it.
Waysinger who always seems to write exactly what I need to hear.
The Purple Caravan, where every beautiful, thought-provoking piece of writing is accompanied by beautiful pictures.
The Old Geezer Blog, which is always different and thought-provoking and fun.
Second Wind Publishing—not sure how you give awards to a publisher, but I really enjoy their authors and their blog, and finally
Mary Russel’s Children’s Stories and Novels, where you’ll find information about a really fun children’s book—Flickertail and Paint.


Congratulations on your award!

Sheila, I know you must be ever so proud of both of your sons, rightfully so!

I'll have a look at some o' the blog friends you've listed!
Bearman said…
So you'll go to the younger sons graduation since I am sure you went to his brothers. That being said, he should skip it anyway. College graduations are boring for all attending.
Helen Ginger said…
It's going to be interesting to see how you manage two different sttes and graduations at the same time.

Laura Eno said…
Congrats on the award!
How ever are you going to attend both graduations?
Congrats on a well-deserved blog award, Sheila! *smiling at you*

(And as to your comment on "cleaning up our manuscripts" - I use And a lot too! at the beginning of the sentence ....and and and and and!)
prashant said…
Congratulations on your award!
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