
It's such a little word. "And" I do use it a lot. Quite a lot, in fact, as I've discovered while editing my 150 children's stories based on the Parables. But (that's another of my over-used words) I promised my Mum I'd get the stories published soon (self-published on Lulu - they've been the rounds of real publishers and even got a "really interested" from one, but nothing more). So I've been working on them, "and" removing "and"s.... and "but"s.

Meanwhile, on NPR this morning someone was talking about the misuse of "like" in the younger generation. The only problem was the misuse of "y'know" throughout the discussion. I guess we all have our favorites. In my world we used to say "Um" and "Er" instead, which was equally uninformative. And a close friend in England says "Right."

I'm trying to check that my dialog sounds okay in those 150 stories, but they're nearly ready, and with Lulu offering such a great deal on proofs at the moment...

Now if I could just get those Exodus stories done too like I promised my Mum...


CA Heaven said…
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CA Heaven said…
I also uese the and word a lot, guess most people do. It's hard to avoid it.

And we learnt in school that we should never start a new sentence with and, because it's a conjuntion to be used to connect two similar structures. But sometimes it feels like just the right thing to do. And but is another word used a lot. But should also not be used to start a new sentence.

Hahaha, playing with language is fun, but I think I will stop it here.

By the way, have you tried to Google these two little words?
o and : 8.4 billion hits
o but : 2.2 billion hits
Popular words, indeed.

For comparison, another frequently used word; fuck, only gets 144 million hits on Google >:)
Laura Eno said…
I use 'like' a lot...and 'a lot' a lot. :)
CA Heaven said…
I like a lot and like a lot >:)))
I do use "and" a lot as the first one...and sometimes but, but (heehe) I try to watch it - esp but!

When I did a radio interview, I was so happy when my stepdad called and said, "Well Done - you didn't say 'you know' or 'um' or any of those other repeater words!" yay!
Bearman said…
It took a long while but I stopped using 'um" myself
Linda Kage said…
I use AND way too much too. Glad I'm not the only person who has to keep an eye out for those.

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