My thanks to author Pat Bertram
Have you met Pat Bertram? Have you read any of her books? If not, here's your chance to share my conversation with an author who's been a great influence on me as I tried to get published. Please welcome Pat Bertram, author of More Deaths than One, Daughter am I, Light Bringer and more...
Thank you for letting
me interview you, Pat. I met you first on so I count you as one of
my first ever e-friends. How did you first get onto the internet?

I started a blog
after seeing your various blogs, began to use twitter after reading a twitter
story you'd written, and ended up following you to facebook too. I'm not
stalking you, honestly, but do you mind being followed around on the internet?
I had no idea I had any impact on anyone, let alone you ---
you always seemed so competent at everything you did. And no, I don’t mind
being followed around on the internet. I’m quite flattered, actually. I was
often lost, without a clue about what to do on the various sites, but I had no
problem experimenting (in fact, I enjoyed it), so I learned a lot very quickly.
I’m glad my efforts didn’t go to waste.
You are always such
an encouragement to other writers, posting excerpts, interviews, character
interviews, offering advice, sharing experience... What do you think drives
your generosity?
I don’t consider such online activities as generosity, just
part of the internet experience. I never quite knew what to do on Facebook, for
example --- I don’t like games or sharing cute animal photos or any of the
other things that clog the news feed --- so I built up a couple of discussion
groups. It gave me a way of interacting with people and besides, I love talking
about the whole writing process. As for the interviews and such. Well, that was
a fluke. My personal blog is
blue, but I figured out how to change the color, so just for fun, I did an orange blog, a green one, a red one, a purple one, and then I had
to figure out what to do with all of them. A book blog and an interview blog seemed the
obvious use for two of them since I came in contact with so many authors. The
interview blog especially has a fairly good rating, and it seems a waste if I
don’t have an interview to post, so I keep promoting it.

Your books have a
certain kindness in them too, which is part of why I love them. I know you're
not a "genre" writer. But how would you characterize your writing?
Sometimes I classify my books as “conspiracy fiction”
because some sort of conspiracy helps advance each of the plots. Other times I
classify them as “traditional fiction,” the kind of fiction we grew up with
before the emphasis on genre became so prevalent. But mostly, I try not to
classify them. I think our culture spends too much time classifying things and
not enough time just accepting things (and people) for what they are.
And yes, my books do have a certain kindness to them. I hate
characters who are adversarial when they should be bonding together to face the
real enemy, which so often is just life. I mean, really, do you know of any
fictional villain more deadly and horrific than the things life does to us? So
my main characters are generally kind to each other, and they pull others into
their sphere of kindness.

I no longer know what is good for fiction in general. Is it
better for authors to write a genre book that people will read or to write a
great non-genre book that readers don’t get because it doesn’t follow a
recognizable genre? For me, personally, the push toward genre has destroyed my
love of reading. I do not like genre, but on the other hand, I don’t like
literary fiction, either. I like traditional fiction, such as the stories I
write, where the style is effortless, the characters real, the themes rich.
Your books are
published with Second Wind Publishing. Did you ever consider self-publishing?
Why, or why not?
I spent years researching agents and publishers, learning
how to write good query letters, and I ended up with about 200 rejections. When
it looked as if I’d never find a publisher, I did consider self-publishing, but
I never followed through. For once in my life, I wanted to be chosen. Because
of my research, I knew how difficult it was to sell books that didn’t
immediately capture the imagination of large groups of people, and I wanted
someone other than me to believe in the books. Besides, back then --- just a
few years ago --- self-publishing wasn’t as acceptable as it was now.
As for how I found Second Wind --- I was wandering around
Gather one day, taking a break from sending out queries, when I found the link
for Second Wind Publishing on a discussion thread. I didn’t know anything about
the company, but since I was sending out queries anyway, I shot one off to the
publisher. I had an acceptance within a week. After that, I gave up any
thoughts of self-publishing.
What was the best
piece of writing advice anyone ever gave you?
The best writing advice I ever received I read in an old
book called The Practical Stylist by
Sheridan Baker: “Clarity is the first aim; economy the second; grace the third;
dignity the fourth. Our writing should be a little strange, a little out of the
ordinary, a little beautiful with words and phrases not met everyday, but
seeming as right and natural as grass.”
Isn’t that beautiful?
Wow! Yes it is. Thank you Pat, for
this interview and for all you do for us.
You’re welcome, Sheila, but I consider you the real hero,
the way you comment on everyone’s interviews and excerpts, and offer
encouragement. So thank you!
One last thing ---
where can people find out more about you and your books?
I have a website --
-- where I post important information, including the first chapters of each of
my books, but the best way to keep up with me, my writing, and my life on a
daily basis is by way of Bertram’s Blog.
All my books are available both in print and in ebook
format. You can get them online at Second
Wind Publishing, Amazon,
B&N and Smashwords. Smashwords
is great! The books are available in
all ebook formats, including palm reading devices, and you can download the
first 20-30% free!
I like that about Smashwords--they really do let you try before you buy! And I definitely recommend your books to anyone reading this. (My favorite is Daughter Am I)