My book's in Powells! And my book reviews are on gather

Yes! Divide by Zero is really in Powells, on a shelf, waiting to be sold. But it's not reached my local branch yet--they say it'll arrive in a couple of weeks and I can do a "drive-by" book-signing, but I'll have to bring a friend with a camera so I can post pictures afterwards. Of course, if you've already found Divide by Zero in a store, I'd love to post a photo from you too!

For those of you following the Divide by Zero blog tour, here are my latest stops: 

November 2nd : Conversations divided by Zero with Dean Mayes:

Meanwhile I'm reading, writing and editing. I wrote a story for our local writers' group competition. I've just begun my next editing job for my publisher. And I've read four books--nearly five.

And my bathroom's getting remodeled. Did you ever think how choosing towel rails and toilet tissue holders could be like writing? Trying to get the right blend of matching and contrast in different parts of the room. Balancing detail and color and open space. Making sure the right information's conveyed (add a guest towel by the sink). Etc...

Anyway, here are this week's four book reviews, just to prove I've been reading. And coffee recommendations to prove I've not been caffeine-deprived.

First is a delightful short story for winter call Snow Cat by Anne Petzer. Czech kittens gather round an aged storyteller to drink milk and learn the history of their home, and the story of the snow cat reveals sad facts of how man interacts with the environment. Drink a 1-star mild crisp coffee with this short crisp tale.

Next is a very different collection of short stories, Uncanny Valley by Gregory Miller. October's over, but if you still want some truly haunting and curiously evocative Halloween scares, this book's for you, neatly collected with the separate tales unfolding into one overarching mystery, this one should be a classic. A 5-star dark intense coffee might be good, but I'd go for the rich complex flavors of a 4-star blend to match this deceptively simple collection.

Continuing the horror story theme, there's the next in Rebekah Armusik's 13 gothic memoirs, Lucifer Rising. The story's complex, the mythology's intriguing, and the tension between religion, vampires and angels, plus assorted "others" certainly makes for an interesting read. But the TV-episode approach means you really have to start at the beginning, and the gore level's definitely high. Enjoy sevearl 5-star bold dark coffee with this long-running tale.

Finally a return to the world of the real, the American South specifically. Jamie Scott's Little Sacrifices is a thoroughly enjoyable tale of a Northern girl growing up and searching for roots among Southern tensions and misunderstandings. Enjoy an elegant complex 4-star coffee with this elegant complex tale.


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