Travelling, taking pictures, and failing to write

It rained last week - a lot. And it always rains in Salem - that's our theory anyway, based on two visits, several years apart. But Silver Falls, near Salem, is an incredibly beautiful place, even in the rain, and we had a wonderful visit, dodging drops, splashing through puddles, and enjoying the views.

Mission Mill's pretty neat too, especially since my Mum has so many memories of people who worked in the mills (cotton mills in Lancashire, woolen mills in Yorkshire) in England.

And on Saturday the sun came out, so we enjoyed a beautiful trip along the Columbia Gorge to Astoria.

My husband and I even climbed the 164 steps up the column - incredible views - but Mum stayed in the car.

I'll get back to writing soon. Honest I will...


I remember that bridge at Astoria. Nothing like a little time off from writing.

CA Heaven said…
Writing a travel diary is a good idea. And with all that modern technology, lap-tops and digi-cams, we can even do it "On the Road" - just to mantion that great book by Jack Kerouac
Laura Eno said…
Thanks for the pictures. I'm traveling vicariously through you. :)
Helen Ginger said…
Wonderful pictures. It makes me want to go there.

Straight From Hel
Linda Kage said…
Wow, wonderful pics. They'll be great inspiration when you return to writing!
Terry Odell said…
I upgraded my cell phone so I could be more likely to have a camera on hand for grabbing those "I need to remember what this looks like" shot. Pictures are great both for inspiration and memory-joggers.

(And - shameless plug here: I've started a Friday Field Trip feature at my blog where I'm sharing travel photos)
MrBibleHead said…
Hey Sheila, Great blog! I absolutely love that picture of the waterfall! Amazing. God bless you in your writing and illustrating ventures!
I'm in that weird transition to where I am waiting for the publishers to get their edits back to me & getting SG to print, and the next book - I tried to work a littleon the next book yesterday and today and just couldn't concentrate!

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