Last days of winter...

The winter's winding down; hail-storms, gray skies and night that comes too soon, but all of it retreating, leaf-buds peeping through the soil. Christmas is gone, decorations packed, the light-bulbs in a box with a label this time. The cards look kind of lonely but I'll keep them up awhile since some get held up in the post - hard work crossing the Atlantic this time of year. And Mum's still here but we're reaching those sad weeks of multiple "lasts." Last time we'll shop at New Seasons on a Wednesday afternoon. Last time I'll lead the Bible Study before Mum leads the one before she leaves. Last episode of Stargate shared; we're counting how many Sharpe movies we have left.

Thanks to a friend we have great plans, and we'll end Mum's trip with some beautiful days out (or wet ones; we'll see). But somehow there's still that feeling of "lasts" casting its pall over everything.

Winter's winding down, the sky's gone gray, and I wish Mum's visit would last longer.


Alina said…
Oh Sheila, I do know what you mean! I go through the same thing whenever my son visits. The house is ever so silent after he leaves... then slowly one gets back to normal and the memories take the place of his voice. Just enjoy each day! xx
Linda Kage said…
But just think...up next is Spring, a time for new beginnings. Maybe you'll find something new and exciting to fill your life...though I'd miss my mum too.
Stephanie Faris said…
So sorry... I hate those lasts.
Amy DeTrempe said…
I hope you have some wonderful weather for the last days with your mum.
Anonymous said…
I enjoyed looking over your blog
God bless you

People will find you as I just did! Posting on Penny's site was a great way because she reaches a multitude and is full of spirit. The Spirit will send the right ones your way just speak from the heart as you did about your mum.


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