I don't even like chicken soup!

Somehow I got volunteered to suggest a topic for our writers' group's next competition. Since one of the group had just announced she'd had another story accepted by Chicken Soup for the Soul, and since we'd just been talking about sharing opportunities to get published, I came up with the idea of asking everyone to write a chicken soup piece and submit it there as well as to our group. Two chances to win in one perhaps? I guess I'll see how it goes.

Of course, my ulterior motive for suggesting this was the nagging feeling that perhaps I should submit something to Chicken Soup sometime - after all, I'm supposed to be trying all writing avenues and pushing on all doors. But I've never read a Chicken Soup book (honestly), I don't like the taste of chicken soup, and, since it's "my" competition, I'm not even allowed to enter.

None of which stops me submitting a piece to Chicken Soup of course, though I guess I'll have to write one first. So if you see me wandering aimlessly round the bookstore, looking vaguely like a plucked chicken, you'll know why.


Bearman said…
I am waiting for Chicken Soup for the Sick Persons Soul.
Linda Kage said…
Good luck with your Chicken Soup entry...once you get it written.

I had Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul when I was in high school. It was fun to read through.
Helen Ginger said…
Check to see what upcoming topics the Chicken Soup people are looking for. Good luck on writing the piece and on getting it accepted. You can do it!

Straight From Hel
I keep planning to submit something and then I keep forgetting the plan. Maybe you'll write and submit your entry this year and be a shining example for those of us who keep procrastinating.

Laura Eno said…
Maybe converse with a live chicken about how they don't like the soup, either?
Good luck with all of it!

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