Please wish me luck!
I spent this morning setting up my stall at the St. Pius Christmas Bazaar. They've given me a beautiful location, really close to the doors and the checkout, so I'm hoping lots of people will walk by. No, actually I'm hoping they'll stop instead of walking by, and maybe decided to buy...
Anyway, please wish me luck. It's the first sale of the season. Thanks.
Straight From Hel
I'll need some luck myself - I'm taking part in a major (20-author) book signing. It's a fund-raiser as well, but my hard covers and trade paperbacks are going to be a tough sell next to all those mass-market books.
And chocolate's a good idea, but how would I keep myself from eating it?
I found out the bookstore ordered 15 copies of my hard cover, and none of my other books. It'll be a tough day. But fun. And it's not about selling books, really, although since this is for a good cause, it would be nice.
I see you sold one so far - well, then it is already a success -and I mean that -- book signings are hard - NYT bestsellers sometimes sell one or none - I know, I've talked to them.
The least I sold was four at a signing one time - I was devasted, but my publishers shrugged and said, "Heck,that's good in our books!" *smiling*
have fun! interact with readers and people -- enjoy!
Many thanks for all your encouragement. And now I'll start gearing up for the next one :)
When I saw that one of them had been purchased by a total stranger, I was so geeked, it doesn't bear talking about.