Lunch-Break E-Books

One of my favorite online magazines is Nights and Weekends, and not just because they’ve published some of my stories. They do nice reviews of books, movies, music, and even board games (a popular subject in our household). They publish new fiction every week. And they’re fun and friendly, easy to follow, with a nice inviting format and clickable topic links neatly arrayed.

A few weeks ago they were looking for reviewers for lunch-break e-books—a new book review column that they’ve just started. I wasn’t sure what an LBE would be, but I’ve been writing a number of book reviews recently, so I asked if I might try.

It seems a lunch-break e-book is one designed to be downloaded and read during a single lunch break. The books cost about the same as a cup of coffee, and they’re way more interesting than just checking emails or playing free-cell while you eat. They could even be a diet aid—instead of whipped cream on that sweet chocolate mocha, you could buy a helping of food for the imagination with a simple coffee.

The first book they sent me was Shiloh by Kathie Harrington, and I really loved it. They must have thought my review was okay ‘cause they’ve posted it this week.

So, if you fancy a book with that coffee, just wander over to Nights and Weekends, click on columns, then Lunch Break EBooks and see what you find. Happy reading, and enjoy your lunch.


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