What is it about sisters?

Today I get to welcome author Paulette Harper to my blog. Her recent novel, Living Separate Lives, is touring the internet with Juniper Grove, and there's a great prize waiting for someone in the rafflecopter giveaway (below). Since the novel involves sisterhood, and I have no natural sisters, I asked Paulette what it is about sisters that inspires such deep feelings. She gives us her answer below

What is it about sisters, or sisterhood, that inspires such deep feelings or such space for health and healing?

When we look at the definition of Sisterhood it is the close relationship among women based on shared experiences, concerns, etc (from Webster.) There is strength amongst women when we can find a common bond with one another. Women naturally connect with one another based on experiences and it is in those experiences that pull us to one another.  It’s easier for women to form groups and be honest and open about what is ailing them, we know how to share our pain, our victories and our trails. I know that my sorrows in life, when shared with other women, can truly be healing for them. When I’m able to share my story with other women, I find that I am not alone.  Women can truly identify with one another. 

The bonds of sisterhood have helped unite women for a greater cause—that cause can be political, social, and or economical. Living Separate Lives, centers around four high school friends, who have not seen each other in years. Candace Walker, Kaylan Smith, Jordan Tate, and Tiffany Thomas have agreed to come together for a mini retreat in Napa County.  A well-planned out weekend of fun, relaxation and a reunion turned into a nightmare. 

Each of the characters is dealing with their own personal issues. For Candace Walker, life has left her battered and bruised.  Kaylan Smith has struggled with prejudice from her in-laws. After fifteen years of marriage, bitterness is trying to raise its ugly head for Jordan Tate, whose husband wants to call it quits. And for Tiffany Thomas, dealing with rejection has never been one of her greatest feats. Each one of the characters is compelling people living their own individual stories. Their deep feelings and care for one another united them for a weekend, but the secret life of one of the sisters is brought to surface and their friendship will be tested.  As readers connect with these characters, they will began to see that while sisterhood is important, forgiveness is more important. 

Thank you Paulette. They all sound very real, and forgiveness is such an important lesson. Good luck with the book tour, and I think I will really enjoy this novel.

About the novel, Living Separate Lives:

 Candace Walker, Kaylan Smith, Jordan Tate, and Tiffany Thomas have their share of sorrows, but neither of them realizes how deep the sorrow goes.  What happens when they agree to meet for a weekend of relaxation in beautiful Napa County? Which one will leave the same or worse?

For Candace Walker, life has left her battered and bruised.  Kaylan Smith has struggled with prejudice from her in-laws. After fifteen years of marriage, bitterness is trying to raise its ugly head for Jordan Tate, whose husband wants to call it quits. And for Tiffany Thomas, dealing
with rejection has never been one of her greatest feats.

Although they have been friends for years, they thought they knew each other well. But will a secret destroy their relationship and bring the sisterhood to a complete halt? Will they be able to forgive and allow God to mend that which might be torn?

About the Author, Paulette Harper:

Paulette Harper is an award-winning and best-selling author. She is the owner of Write Now Literary Virtual Book Tours and is passionate about helping authors succeed in publishing and marketing their books. Paulette has been writing and publishing books since 2008.  Paulette is the author of That Was Then, This is Now, Completely Whole and The Sanctuary. Her articles have appeared on-line and in print.

Excerpt from Living Separate Lives by Paulette Harper:

“Stop preaching to me. I don’t want to hear it anymore. I’ve had enough of your self-righteousness.” The words continued to cut Jordan’s heart; words that she never heard before coming from the mouth of her husband, Eric. “You knew how I was before we got married.” His tone deepened with every word.
Standing in front of the sink, Jordan was frozen and motionless in the middle of the kitchen. She held the dish towel in one hand and a plate in the other. She turned and faced Eric, whose eyes were cold and hard. The verbal blows kept coming. Her mouth opened wide, but no words could be formed when he uttered the deadly words, “I want a divorce.”

Giveaway Details:

There is an international tour wide giveaway. Prizes include the following:
  • $15 Amazon Gift Card 
Follow the tour for more chances to enter:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


The Write Words said…
Thank you Shelia for hosting me on my book tour. Looking forward to networking with you again
Sheila Deeth said…
Thank you Paulette. My pleasure, and I enjoyed your post.

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