Which comes first--Faith or Miracles? An interview with author J.D. Winston

 Today I'm delighted to interview J.D. Winston on my blog, author of God Must Be Weeping, released by BoulevarDream in January of this year. So please read on and learn more about a second world war novel where bonds of friendship are tested, faith is challenged, and fears are exposed. Not just a war novel, it's a story of misfits from different social and spiritual backgrounds and how friendship binds them together. It sounds just my sort of thing and I really hope I'll get to read it sometime.

  1. So, my first question for J. D. Why did you choose to write about the Second World War as opposed to any other time of struggle or change?

I set the story in the context of WWII because it is widely acknowledged to be a ‘just war,’ and provided a backdrop for a compelling story, where I could delve into the themes of my novel, GOD MUST BE WEEPING: friendship, passion, faith, heroism, and love.

  1. How did you research the environment for your novel.  Did you draw on any of your own experiences to describe basic training? Or battle? Or faith?

I spoke at length with a friend who served in the military and made sure the details were technically accurate, and, I drew from my own personal battles.  I suspect that is where the genesis of the story came from. 

  1. Do you aree with Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s sentiment, “It’s not miracles that generate faith, but faith that generates miracles.”  Why/why not? 

That sentiment resonates with my spirit.   I do believe faith can generate miracles; however, I have seen miracles happen to people who believe in God, and to those on  the fence. 

  1. Did you have a particular audience in mind as you wrote your novel? If so, how would you describe your ideal reader?   

No.  I strove to write something that would move people and take them on a meaningful journey— the book touches on the intangibles questions of life: love, friendship, faith, free will, death, immortality and God. 
   My ideal reader is anyone who revels in literary fiction, a tender love story, poignant tale of friendship and heroism and faith, historical fiction, a passionate and philosophical reflection on the vicissitudes of life in war

  1. What do you hope readers would take home from reading your novel? 

That every day is a gift—and, to be compassionate with others and embrace those who are distinctly different from you without judgement.  If you are open-hearted, you never know who may become a close buddy, and touch your life in a profound way. 

Thank you so much J.D. It was a pleasure to interview you.

More about the book:

God Must Be Weeping by J.D. Winston (BoulevarDream, January 2013) is a story of one man’s journey of courage, passion and faith set during the turbulent days of World War II. Montgomery Mason, an aspiring writer, passes on a job at a newspaper to follow his dream of becoming a soldier. During basic training he builds intense friendships with three men from three different social and spiritual backgrounds. This band of “Misfits,” as their sergeant nicknames them, has their bonds tested, their faith challenged and their fears exposed along the battle-scarred beaches of the Pacific.

God Must Be Weeping is a vivid illustration of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s sentiment: “It’s not the miracles that generate faith, but faith that generates miracles.” With intense dialogue, richly drawn characters and an impeccable eye for period detail, JD Winston has written one of the most honest and emotional war novels to date. While inspiring and life-affirming, God Must Be Weeping is also a riveting and action-packed war novel.  ForeWord Review calls God Must Be Weeping an “achievement.”

For more information, go to:


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Sheila Deeth said…
Thank you so much for visiting here.

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