Thank you Amazon !

This blogpost is written with many and sincere thanks to Amazon., publishers of Divide by Zero and other excellent novels by excellent authors, closed its doors with an end-of-days event on facebook on June 30th. Rights to our novels reverted to the authors on July 1st, and straightaway the kindle version of Divide by Zero became unavailable on Amazon. The paperback version's lagging behind but I'm pretty sure it will vanish soon too, leaving only a few "new and used" copies available from random warehouses. But what about my ratings and reviews?

Okay, so ten reviews may not sound much to you well-established authors out there, but it's ten more than many of my books have. I worked hard to get them and my reviewers worked hard to give them me. So I asked the advice of friends and fellow authors, finally deciding to self-publish Divide by Zero on kindle to see if that would help me retain my reviews. I uploaded the new version on July 1st, made a few edits, then reuploaded and submitted the file yesterday (July 2nd). Today (July 3rd), thanks to Amazon's amazing customer service, the ratings and reviews have appeared on the new kindle version of Divide by Zero at Meanwhile Amazon's email promises the new version will appear in searches, on my author page, and attached to any other versions (including "new and used") sometime in the next few days. How cool is that! So...

Thank you Amazon !!!!!

And if you haven't read Divide by Zero yet, do check out the look inside feature and consider downloading a  copy to your kindle. While you're reading, I'll continue editing the sequel, Infinite Sum, and researching potential publishers for it.


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