Playing catchup and posting a few more book reviews

I thought I had it all worked out this year. I scheduled time for a vacation into my list of books to read, then I imagined how I'd catch up with the backlog while flying on planes and enjoying time in England. It was working great, but then I came home to grass like hay overwhelming the flowerbeds, dandelions like trees taking over the lawn at the back, dust in layers with the scent of history, washing in bundles bespattering the bathroom floor, and... and then Independence Day, baking, watching movies, watching fireworks, and generally enjoying time with family again. So here I am, two weeks behind on reading, and struggling to catch up with reviews all written but unposted on the internet. I need coffee !!!!

While you're pouring mine, grab a cup for yourself as well and see which of these books you'd like to add to your own reading list.

Starting with science fiction:

Lone Wolf, by Dellani Oakes is set in a distant future where mining vessels plow through space and dangerous weapons promise dangerous times. But some of the characters may be weapons themselves, and some of the past is a truly dangerous weapon. Heavy on the romance, exciting on the sci-fi, this is a bright lively read to enjoy with a bright lively 2-star coffee.

Breakthrough, by Stephen Tremp is set in a less distant future and looks at the downside of scientific breakthroughs in the wrong, or unstable hands. The science is carefully detailed (inviting questions, if you're of that turn of mind), as are the characters, backstories, politics, well-choreographed fights, and more. You'll want to read the sequel when the story "ends," so maybe better have some spare coffee to hand. Enjoy with a 5-star bold dark intense coffee.

Trading Faces, by Ann Herrick is a young adult science fiction tale where two teens find themselves trapped in the wrong bodies, living the wrong lives, and seeing the world (parents, siblings, friends) through the wrong eyes. Young actors auditioning for the parts of a lifetime, they have to learn to grow up as well as fit in. A well-balanced tale, this is one to enjoy with a well-balanced 3-star coffee.

Mysteries next:

Tip of the Iceberg by D. C. Lozeau tells a thoroughly gory mystery without being gratuitous--quite an accomplishment really. Pleasing relationships between the characters make it different from most police procedurals, but the wealth of detail might slow the reading if you're just looking for action adventure. Enjoy with a dark intense 5-star coffee to hand for those dark intense details.

By contrast, An Unholy Communion, by Donna Fletcher Crow,  is a much more location-based tale. The Welsh valleys and their Christian past are almost an extra character as the protagonists follow St David on their pilgrimage. It's a pilgrimage haunted by a suspicious death, and the evocative scenery deepens the sense of dread and wonder. Psychological, gently religious, generous and intriguing, it's another enjoyable mystery in another of Donna Fletcher Crow's great series, best enjoyed with a well-balanced smooth full-flavored cup of 3-star coffee.

And finally, a Christian meditation:

Desires of My Heart, meditation on Psalm 37:4, by Heather Bixler is an enjoyable thoughtful devotional, using poetry and essays to offer a nice progression from pride to peace. Raed it slowly with an elegant complex 4-star cup of coffee.

Is that it? Have I finally caught up? Well, probably not. After all, I'm still reading five more books--one on kindle, one on kobo, one in paperback, one as a pdf file, and one as a urllink... and all enjoyable. So... more reviews coming soon I guess.


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