Real world, sci-fi or fantasy?

One school essay question asked "Would you rather have a short exciting life or a long boring one?" I chose long and boring because I'd be able to enjoy so many short exciting ones through fiction over the years. One I've heard of more recently asks "Would you rather live in the real world, a sci-fi future, or a fantasy world?" I'm wondering which answer to give. After all, I've been eager enough to embrace computers and ebooks. Does that mean I really do hanker after living in a sci-fi future, or is enjoying futuristic discoveries just part of the excitement of today. I like elves and dwarves and their stories too... but no, I think I really will choose real world over both the others as well, and enjoy many different futures and fantasies in fiction.

That said, Mary Roach's My Planet is set in a very real everyday world but filled with hilariously fascinating snippets as the author really does "find... humor in the oddest places." It's hard not to find someone or something to relate to in the author's world, and especially hard to read these essays without laughing out loud. Enjoy their bright lively humor with a bright and lively 2-star coffee.

Moving into the future, Lagrange Point by Mike Arsuaga brings his Subspecies Series to a satisfying conclusion, tying up loose ends and expanding the concepts previously explored. Strongest where it looks at long-lived parents relating to offspring who grow old too soon, this one's best enjoyed with a 5-star intense cup of coffee for its intense sexual scenes.

The Man in the Box, by Andrew Toy is set in the present day where a protagonist facing the loss of his job ends up hiding... in a box. But there he finds hints of his childhood dreams and a world where success just might be a little less elusive. An intriguing tale, reminiscent of Narnia all grown up, this is one to enjoy with a dark 5-star coffee.

For younger readers,Nature’s Unbalance, by Andrea Buginsky, continues the adventures of the Chosen in a well-drawn fantasy world of elves and dwarves, threatened by Nature's failure to keep the seasons right. But maybe mankind (or elven-kind) has played a part in the unbalance. Like the first book, the novella evokes role-playing games with rolls of the dice determining the results of spells and strikes with swords. Enjoy it with a 2-star easy-drinking cup of coffee. 


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