Dividing by Zero and multiplying that reading list

Help! My reading list just keeps growing and catching up is so hard to do...

Luckily the Divide by Zero blog tour keeps expanding too. I'm visiting Stacy Green today, Turning the Page on Manic Mondays where "we're all afraid of the dark," so please follow this link


and read why I think kids need to learn not to be afraid of themselves. Leave your questions--I'd love to chat...

I've been interviewed by Pat Bertram too, over at http://patbertram.wordpress.com/2012/10/21/sheila-deeth-author-of-divide-by-zero/

And don't miss Seven Steps to Editing, in Book Reader's Heaven, if you've been trying to follow the tour. I really enjoyed my venture into the editing process and I'm sure it will make me a better self-editor too.


Meanwhile, a few more book reviews to go with your morning coffee...

Starting with an oddly haunting family drama, Anne Bernays' The Man on the Third Floor tells the tale of a comfortable family man who struggles to be true to himself without betraying the people he cares for. Love's elusive in this McCarthy era where one witch-hunt gives way only to offer the threat of another as Walter struggles to keep Barry safely secret up on the third floor. Enjoy this elegant tale with a 4-star rich elegant complex cup of coffee.

Next come two mysteries set near Seattle. Charles B. Neff's Dire Salvation offers many different kinds of salvation to a wealth of different characters as drugs and murder combine with Indian affairs and identity. A comfortable read with lots of background to think about, enjoy this one with a 4-star complex cup of coffee. Meanwhile Angel Dance, by M. D. Grayson is set firmly in a very authentic Seattle with streets and beauty, grime and crime, and detailed investigations. Enjoy another complex 4-star coffee and you enjoy this tale and learn the background details.

Stay Serendipity Stay by Gabriella Lucas is a short sweet romance between characters of a certain age in Ohio and Africa. From gentle steps of interest to doubt, denial and commitment, it's a genuinely pleasing entertaining short story, best enjoyed over lunch with a 2-star easy-drinking coffee. My review should appear in Nights and Weekends next week.

And next come two books of short stories and poems. Uvi Poznansky's Home, including translations of her father Zeev Kachel's poetry, is a lyrical read, combining the daughter's fictional separation with the father's intimate self-analysis and building into an intriguing picture where home is far more than just where the heart or hearth resides. Enjoy this well-balanced book with a smooth full-flovored 3-star coffee.

Finally, Twisted Shorties, a well-designed and well-presented collection of short pieces from the authors on Gather.com, is a fascinating, absorbing read from beginning to end with something for everyone. An easy and thoroughly enjoyable read... Yes, I know, it's got some of my pieces in it, but they're very small fry in a very big wonderful pond. Enjoy whenever you've a spare few minutes to share with a 2-star lively easy-drinking coffee.

Okay, enough reviews. Now it's time to promote the blog tour on facebook and twitter, read the weekend's emails, and maybe even read more books to review. I might write something too, or vacuum the floor...


CA Heaven said…
Dividing by zero is no problem, at least not if you accept infinity as an answer. Math is fun, indeed >:)

Cold As Heaven

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