Meet William L.K., author of the Stritonoly Chronicles

Today I'm delighted to welcome William L.K., author of the Stritonoly Chronicles. I read the first and second books of the series recently (The Eye of the Storm, and Barok's Exodus) and you can find the books on Amazon:
The Eye of the Storm
Barok's Exodus

William L.K. lives in the suburbs of New York with his wife and two children. He began writing creatively as a teenager and has written and produced several successful plays and musicals in the NY area. William earned his B.A. and M.S. from Dowling College. He is currently a professional musician on the weekends and a science fiction/fantasy author during the week.

Currently, he is working on the next installment of The Stritonoly Chronicles. The third book in the series will be released this summer with

I've been thinking about Plots and Subplots recently as I work on editing my novel, so William's guest post is of particular interest to me. I hope you'll enjoy it to, and please leave questions for the author: I'm hoping he'll visit during the day to meet with you.

The Multiple Self: Writing The Eye of the Storm
By William L.K.

The Eye of the Storm was a unique writing experience for me in this way; the story had been brewing for some time, and the subplot (as it turned out) became not only the basis for the main plot but the driving force behind it.

The idea of having the subplot fuel the main plot intrigued me. I am quite used to reading and writing subplots that too often serve the story only as a decoration of sorts. This book purposely strayed from that familiar formula. Every character and event on the planet Stritonoly takes place in the form of what I’ll call a ‘multiple-self separation.’ In fact, I found a considerable amount of enjoyment going back and rereading the book after its completion. It was interesting to analyze the aspects of Rebecca Brown’s inner self and discover how she materialized in a new world.

The idea that human’s have many different selves is not new. However, the theory behind multiple selves was stretched to a science-fiction fantasy in this book by asking this question: What if multiple selves could become physical entities? That’s right, not pieces of our memory, or neurons firing off, or even mental infiltrations into our psyche, but real physical beings. In a world ever more aware of artificial intelligence and virtual reality; is it really so difficult to fathom a world where some of our ‘selves’ may live on? Personally, I would like to think it’s possible.

I humbly submit, as many have before, that no one person can be all good or all bad, it is simply not a possibility. The nuances of the human self are far too complex for such a generalization. This is a fact we see over and over again, just read today’s newspaper, or any day.

For me, the character Dmitri symbolizes the tormented self struggling to find out who he truly is. And I much as I want to hate him, I cannot. Even in his madness, there is a goodness that flickers through, a trace of normalcy, something that says there is more to him than the actions he commits.

This thought leads me to wonder if there is something we are missing entirely. What if all the lives we will ever live, or have lived, already exist within our subconscious? And what if these inner selves are not just pieces of one personality? Couldn’t they become living, breathing, physical entities, each individual unto themselves?

It’s something I’d like to believe. And in the absence of a realistic answer to the daunting mysteries of life and death, it could certainly be perceived as naïve…but also somewhat comforting.

Thank you William. Having read the Eye of the Storm, I would have to agree. Even when I'm thinking Dmitri is evil, there's still good in him. William does a good job of creating very complex characters and imbuing them with fascinating motivations.


This sounds so interesting. It is as if i travelled in a whole different world.

Maria Papadopoulou:
Author of the poetry book: Poetry: From With Hell With Love

Helen Ginger said…
Ooh, that is interesting. Past lives, future lives, parallel lives. All the same, yet all different.
Carol Kilgore said…
Sounds like quite a complex story. Intriguing.
Anonymous said…
Good book review. The Eye of the Storm sounds like an interesting read :-)

Take care Sheila and have a great weekend :-)

William L.K. said…
Thank you for reading. I find the whole concept of 'Multiple-selves' deeply meaningful and very thought provoking.

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