Book Reviews

So many books to read... So little time to read them all... But I'm still finding time, snatched between job applications, more edits on the novel, emails, cooking, cleaning... Hey, I even did some yardwork today when it wasn't snowing!

As usual, click on the link to find my reviews on Gather.
And if you come back on Friday you'll find a guest post from author William L.K., whose books The Eye of the Storm and Barok's Exodus were amongst last week's reviews.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Steig Larsson: I had to read this. I enjoyed watching the movie with my husband (though I'll probably watch the US version when that comes out too). And the character of Lisbeth is just so intriguing. My verdict--the book's even better than the movie (apart from a rather slow start).

Malicifier, by Aubrey Dionne: I really enjoy Aubrey Dionne's lunch-time reads--the perfect price and perfect length to go with a cup of coffee, they always offer sometimes intriguing, told with musical language and gorgeous imagery, and Malicifier's no exception.

The Reason for God, by Timothy Keller: A friend gave me a copy of this book, wisely knowing it would interest me. The author is founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City, and he writes a book for real people--even New Yorkers--with real questions. He gives real answers too, with interesting arguments, deep conviction, and honest, respectful interest in what everyone else has to say.

Sisterchicks in Wooden Shoes, by Robin Jones Gunn: I've been planning to read a Sisterchicks novel ever since I realized author Robin Jones Gunn lived in Oregon. She writes, she has a speaking ministry... I'd love to meet her too. Anyway, this was my first Sisterchicks book--I got it free in exchange for my review. And it was fun. Visit Holland. Get rid of some preconceptions. And see the sacred in the everyday--a very enjoyable book for committed Christian readers.


Aubrie said…
Thanks so much for including my book up there :)
Laura Eno said…
I am in awe by how many reviews you write!
You're still posting at Gather? I have it on my list of things to do when I can afford a right hand... I'd love to be there again, but am spread too thin as it is!

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