Bad week, Good week, Hoping for a better one

Last week was a bad week. My Mum went back to England after two months here with us. The house feels empty and quiet. Even the washing machine's finally finished its job. Meanwhile my husband reminded me that I need to go back to work if we're ever to earn enough to retire. I'd rather write, but it doesn't pay the bills.

Last week did have its good points though. A.F. Stewart wrote a lovely review of Refracted on her blog, and it's a really cool blog too--well worth a visit. Erin O'Riordan posted another lovely review of Refracted on David Weisman's blog (he's got a fascinating post on "leveraging Facebook" there today). It's definitely cool to see Refracted included in a list or Favorite Weird Indie Fiction of 2010, and to be mentioned in the same post as Peter Joseph Swanson... Wow! He's one of the first indie authors I ever met when I joined Gather all those moons ago.

So now it's on to this week, catching up on a gazillion unanswered emails, redoing my resume on Monster and LinkedIn (thus generating many more emails), editing Divide by Zero for StoneGarden, and, well, cleaning, yardwork, switching that poor old washing machine on again...

...and preparing to host a guest post from Steve O'Brien, author of Elijah's Coin tomorrow.


Bearman said…
My wife would like to stop working too until I remind her that I would then have to put her on a strict shopping allowance. Then she realizes how much she loves to work.
David said…
It must be interesting being a published author who edits for another publishing house. Gives you two different perspectives.
Sheila Deeth said…
Actually I'm published with Gypsy Shadow and have a contract for Divide by Zero with Stonegarden, so I'm still editing just for me. But if I could get a job editing for someone else I'd be really really happy... Still dreaming...

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