Fair and Free

We're going on vacation. No kids; just husband and me. And no visits to the fair. All the same, as I pack, I'm filled the same excitement I remember from childhood days. Knowing there'd be rides, and money to spend, and the freedom to choose which ride to spend it on. Except of course, in the beginning I was too small. Big brother got to go on cars where he really turned the wheel, and really crashed. Me, I rode on solid rails wherever the world said I had to.

I remember the sudden freedom inspired by a ride that let me raise and lower my plane. The roundabout would start and I'd pull my throttle back. Up, up into the sky, and there I'd fly. My brother thought I was mad. I might as well have been on a ride that forced me to stay up high, but for me it was the freedom that mattered. I could have come down if I'd wanted. I did as I chose.

Then there were roller coasters and the delight of being tall enough to join the excited line. I felt so brave. There was Nemesis where I was strapped in as tight as the seat anchored to the rails. There was the Big One. Free from gravity!

And then I got older... so, like I said, no fairgrounds on this vacation. Just sea and scenery and maybe whales... sounds good to me. Writing about it all reminds me though... and the years and restrictions and rules slide away and life's fair and I'm always free.


CA Heaven said…
I never liked amusement parks, was always afraid of the roller coasters. But my boys love it. Don't know who they got it from; not from me.

Enjoy your vacation >:)

Cold As Heaven
Bearman said…
Once I was old enough to ride all the rides my brain couldn't take the jarring anymore
Laura Eno said…
Have a great time!
Aubrie said…
Have a great vacation!
Ann Best said…
When I was young - the roller coaster. Now I would love the vacation you and hubby are going on. Sea and scenery. Sounds SO relaxing. Enjoy!
Nikki (Sarah) said…
have a great time...peaceful and relaxing and come home energized.
maryrussel said…
Sea and scenery sound wonderful to me. These days, I relish tranquility. Have a wonderful time.
Carol Kilgore said…
Enjoy your vacation.
Donna McDine said…
Checkout and pick-up your Versatile Blogger Award at http://www.donna-mcdine.blogspot.com

Best wishes,
Sheila Deeth said…
Many thanks for all the good wishes. We had a wonderful time! Great (gluten-free) food, great views, real whales that danced on the waves...

Now to get back to reading everyone else's news, and to writing of course.

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