Terry's Place

I'm blogging over at Terry's Place on Tuesday, so please pay her a visit and read all about my exciting experience self-publishing with Lulu. (You could come back afterwards and click on the "BOOKS" link above to preview the end products if you're interested. It will give you an idea of what Lulu has to offer.)

But you really should stay a while on Terry's site and wander through her past posts. I've learned a lot about the life of a real author, with real deadlines and edits; read some fantastic true-life police tales from Detective Hussey; and added to my list of writing tips to keep in mind (floating body parts most recently); all on the front page.

I'll plan to pop in from time to time during the day, so do please leave me a comment and I'll leave a reply. Meanwhile, thank you Terry for inviting me; I almost feel like a real live blogger at last!


Terry Odell said…
Thanks, Sheila -- I enjoy blogging about what I'm learning, and am glad you could be my guest to share your experiences.
Helen Ginger said…
Hi Sheila. Glad your visiting new folks. You've got a lot to say to other writers.

Straight From Hel
I'm heading over there! :-)

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