Brands, Labels and Catchphrases 2

I checked. My Bible Study blog really did come up on Google if I searched for "demon impregnation stories," but now it's been edged out by my last blog post. In fact, it's been edged so far out it doesn't appear, which I think means nobody's bothered to click on it (not surprising I suppose). And my Halloween drabbles are nowhere in sight.

Meanwhile, I've tried to come up with some labels with words I might use in a post. A friend was helping with lots of great D words for Deeth, drabble, draw, draw out, discern, depict, and Deity... but I still couldn't make it come together. I guess I'm just too attached the whole "faith and science" thing - though Google brings up a ton of stuff (and not me) if you ask about that. Would three words work better...

Faith Science and Inspiration perhaps? FSI? I don't feel inspired, but IFS looks more fun: How about "Bible Study What IFS: Inspired by Faith and Science." Or do you think it's just too corny?

It's worth a try maybe, and I'll complete the experiment by reposting what's already there, with lots of "what ifs" "faiths" and "sciences" in the text.


Laura Eno said…
It's funny what strange combos people type into search engines. :)
Judith Mercado said…
Sometimes one of my posts will come up immediately. Sometimes not at all. Sometimes it will show up on the Google blog search category, sometimes on the General one, sometimes on both. What I know is that big companies put in a lot of effort trying to decipher the Google search formula because money is at stake, and they sometimes miss, too. Prompted by your post, I'm going to start keeping track of when posts appear and when they don't to see if I can discern a pattern.
Linda Kage said…
oHHH! Is THSAT what those label spaces are for in blog posts? I just thought that when you clicked on them, it would show all the blogs you wrote on that subject. But it's a good searching tool for googling too? Cool.

In that case, I say use as many varations as possible!!
Helen Ginger said…
I like: "Bible Study What IFS: Inspired by Faith and Science." Don't think it's corny, either.

Straight From Hel
maryrussel said…
I'm trying to figure out key words too. Google is frustrating. Just when you think you have it figured, they change the algorithms. I don't think the experts know much more than we do about SEO.
maryrussel said…
One thing that does help is if people aka your friends help to promote you by adding your blog links to their sites. Accordingly, I just twittered, facebooked, and stumbled upon you. Hope it helps. Of course, they have to have a lot of traffic for that to do much good. Unfortunately, I haven't built mine up that much yet.
I once had someone come to my old MSN blog by googling "watching sister pee in the woods' - um, er - eyeww! And I have no idea how it led them to my blog, but it did!
Stephanie Faris said…
I never pay attention. I just write and whatever shows up on Google, shows up.
Agree with Helen; I like the What IFS idea. :)
Sheila Deeth said…
I think I need to learn facebook and stumble; thanks Mary. Maybe that's next week's task. The new keywords don't seem to be making much difference - my top queries haven't changed except to add "writing prompts for a choir" and a search for someone else's name.

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