Two Suitcases

Two suitcases,
two pillows, five boxes
and one that's got books in
computer's all packed
and he's gone.

So will he
remember and get to
his classes on time
will he file applications
and plan for his future while I'm
feeling curiously sad
for the boy's grown to man
and lives out of
two suitcases


Jean Henry Mead said…
Ah, so sad when a child leaves home.
Donna McDine said…

With your firm guidance in is growing up years, I'm sure he will do terrific.

Children’s Author
Write What Inspires You Blog
The Golden Pathway Story book Blog
Donna M. McDine’s Website
Helen Ginger said…
The odds are that he will, Sheila. It's tough to let go. I imagined my mother was as happy to see me go as I was to go. But she may have been as worried as I was when I sent mine off to college. Nah. ;-)

Straight From Hel
Anonymous said…
Two pillows?? Who needs two pillows?
Craig Hart said…
Gotta have two pillows. Don't know why.

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