How does life get so busy?

I had all these wonderful plans. 1,000 words a day on textnovel? That was surely do-able. And I could keep writing my favorite WIP at the same time couldn't I? After all, it's easy enough to read more than one book at once. Plus there's that piece that I'm doing the research on--must be time to put metaphorical pen to paper there (or finger to keyboard). And the book reviews...

Then there's the incredible news that a bookstore wants some books from me and please will I mail them--suddenly none of the million boxes I've failed to throw away are quite the right size. And there's the final edits and checks on those Lulu books that I want to start selling in summer. I should order them soon...

And the cooking, and the cleaning, and the shopping and the washing and persuading the son to revise for his exam, while sympathizing with the other son who hasn't time to do anything else but revise.

And the dandelions; I really ought to cut some of those dandelions down. How does life get so busy?


Pat Bertram said…
Sheila, wait until you're published! (And with your talent, and with all the stories you're getting published, it's just a matter of time until you get a book contract.) Then watch time disappear.

As for the dandelion problem. That's easy. Call them pretty yellow flowers. Presto. No more weeds.

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