Reading Series and Variety

In a fairly interesting reading week I read...
one print book
one ebook on kindle
one ebook on kobo
one ebook in pdf on a tablet, and
one ebook online.

Ah, the variety... But paper's still best.

Meanwhile, smashwords introduced this neat new tool for sorting books into series. If you head on over to you'll find my "Bible in 100 words a day" books. And at you'll find my "What IFS Bible picture book" series.

PLUS!!! At you'll find ecopies of Bethlehem's Baby, sixth in the Five-Minute Bible Story Series, in all e-versions imaginable..., with many many thanks to my publisher!

Ah, but paper's still best. You can wipe drips of coffee from paper without being scared the electronics will fry. Of course, spilling coffee on anything might be heresy. So find a mug, fill it up, and see what you make of those books I read last week.

First, in print, we have The Importance of Being Seven, by Alexander McCall Smith, another thoroughly enjoyable collection of stories among the characters of Scotland Street. Find food for many novels, and a chance to drink coffee and consider many things, as adults move house, boy moves baby brother, and friends consider moving their relationships forwards. Enjoy with a well-balanced, smooth, full-flavored cup of 3-star coffee.

Next, on kindle, is A God for All Seasons, by Patti Tingen, a devotional tying faith and trust to seasons and months. Based firmly in the Bible and the author's own experiences of winter's dark depression, spring's hope, and the time to persevere, it's filled with lovely descriptions and intriguing food for prayerful thought. Enjoy with a well-balance smooth 3-start cup of coffee.

I read Yeshua, a personal memoir of the missing years of Jesus, by Stan I. S. Law, on a kobo, but stayed close to the computer to check the fascinating details of his story. Telling Jesus young adulthood through the eyes of his best Hindu friend, the author takes readers on a journey through the world's religions, as well as along the roads of Jesus' day. The result is a somewhat new-age, gnostic protagonist, but the story's filled with fascinating and enthralling details and interconnections. Enjoy it with an elegant, complex 4-star cup of coffee.

And now for the pdf book. I know, I could have read it on the kindle or the kobo, but they're really a pain with pdf files. So I read Brandy, by Doug Lucas, on my tablet. It's a haunting novella, told largely through internal and external dialog, and it's a vividly real depiction of the Vietnam war era and its wounded warriors. By turns bold, dark, and turning toward light, enjoy a bold dark 5-star coffee with this one.

Finally,Women of Valley View – free read from Pelican – by Sharon Srock, is the book I read entirely on the internet. Composed of vivid scenes and character studies from longer works, it forms an intriguing novella and a thoroughly enjoyable read. Have a 2-star bright lively coffee to hand while you sit at your computer.   


Diane Estrella said…
These sound like interesting books. Great job on the snippets!

Also, I wanted to let you know about a friend of mine who recently self-published her first book. I am helping her put a blog tour together and am looking for blog sites to host her either with a book spotlight post, book review, and/or an author interview.

I wondered if you might be interested???

Here's the info on the book:

Examine Your Faith!: Finding Truth in a World of Lies Hardcover by Pamela Christian

Well-meaning people want to believe that all roads lead to the same God and heaven. But wanting something to be true is far different from truth lining up with reality. Unless you make an intentional effort to examine what you believe and why you believe it, it’s quite possible you are living your life on the basis of a lie, and don’t know it.

Please e-mail me if you're interested. Thanks and have a great week!

dianemestrella at gmail dot com

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