Don't Let the Wind Catch You--official release date!

It's sunny and it's summer. The wind is quiet. The fall is yet to come. But leaves are slowly beginning to turn and pine trees are dropping needles underfoot. Wind and winter are coming.

It's also the official release date Aaron Paul Lazar's Don't Let the Wind Catch You--and this blog tour give you a chance to try for free giveaways and ebooks. Just click on the blog tour image above, or scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more...

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Release Day Facebook Event  8/15

Don't Let the Wind Catch You is the title of Aaron Paul Lazar's recently released novel, the latest in
his beloved Gus LeGarde series. Great mysteries, anchored by a pleasing family man--father, grandfather, friend--retired and enjoying the scenery and sometime peace of the Genesee Valley. One of the greatest things about this series is how real the author's characters become, so much so that I jumped at the chance to read about young Gus LeGarde a little while ago. And now I can read about him again.

Bridging the gap between YA and adult fiction, author Aaron Paul Lazar offers a tale where young Gus summons courage beyond his years in the summer of 1965.

• Bridges the gap between YA and adult ala Harry Potter
• “Suspenseful, satisfying, well-crafted, mood-capturing, for both adults and children.”
• Will appeal to readers who crave adventure, who love horses, the sea, or the outdoors, and who may be curious/nostalgic about children’s lives in 1965.
• Will appeal to teachers and parents who want to impart anti-bullying, anti-bigotry behavior; including compassion and acceptance in a thoughtful, sensitive manner.
• Will appeal to mystery buffs who loved the award-winning Tremolo: cry of the loon featuring Gus LeGarde in a prequel to the series in 1964.
• Showcases goodness, morality, understanding, acceptance, courage, persistence, and love.
• Readers can forget today’s furious Internet-driven scene and maybe evoke a few of their own comforting childhood memories and adventures

When young Gus LeGarde befriends a cranky old hermit in the woods who speaks to an Indian spirit, he wonders if the man is nuts. But when the ghostly Penni rattles tin cups, draws on dusty mirrors, and flips book pages, pestering him to find evidence to avenge her past, things change.

What Gus doesn’t understand is why his mother hates Tully, until his relentless investigation uncovers a hint of scandal about Tully and Gus’s grandfather, Marlowe Wright.

On horseback, Gus and his friends ride through woods overlooking Conesus Lake to Tully’s abandoned house, reportedly still infected with the Genesee Valley Fever from the 1700s. Unafraid, they enter and find shocking evidence that could rewrite history.

Can Gus convince his mother to forgive Tully? And will the proof he found free Penni’s spirit? 



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