Seventeen stories done!

Deadlines are such fun. Lulu's doing a brilliant deal--if you want to self-publish, why not go over there and look; or even if you just want that nice thump-factor of a book in your hand to see what it would look like (books in hand are great for proof-reading too). So now I'm frantically working to a deadline, trying to get my Joshua's Journeys stories finished before the deal runs out. I think there'll be about forty when I'm done, and I've just finished number seventeen. Of course, I've been researching them and putting off writing for ages--about a year--so it's about time. Like I said, deadlines are wonderful!


Helen Ginger said…
When is the deadline? You've still got quite a few stories to write, plus the formatting. I wish you good luck on beating that deadline!
Anonymous said…
I've never thought about deadlines being fun. Now you've given me something to think about as long as I don't have a deadline to come to a conclusion :-)
maryrussel said…
I don't know about deadlines being fun but they sure are a great motivator.
Sheila Deeth said…
I think (hope) the deadline's the end of July, so I'm doing okay so far. The stories have been wandering round in my head for over a year, so it's not like I'm making them up as I go along. I'm really quite glad to let them go--glad the deadline finally made me let them go.

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