Watch this space...

I have two authors visiting my blog over the next few days. On Friday, Bruce DeSilva, author of Rogue Island, will be talking about (my favorite question) how he got from "there" to "here." In his case, "here" is an author blog-touring the internet with a fantastic book that's already got tons of rave reviews. I'm so lucky to have him visit here, and I know his story will be really interesting.

Then next Monday Anjuelle Floyd will be visiting. To celebrate the release of her novel, The House, author Anjuelle Floyd is offering a (1) Kindle Wi-Fi (retail value: $139.00) as a part of her blog tour. A WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED DECEMBER 1, 2010.


Two fascinating authors. Two great books. And a competition. Watch this space. I'm certainly looking forward to reading my blog on those days:)


Carol Kilgore said…
Sounds like great posts coming up!
Amy DeTrempe said…
Sounds like great guests.
Bearman said…
Look at you pulling in the guest. Sounds great.
Laura Eno said…
They look like they'll be great posts!
Anonymous said…
That's a unique idea to have a blog tour on Mondays. Less stressful that way. I may just do that next time I have a blog tour. Best wishes for these author's success!
Looks like a great line-up, Sheila. I'm finding more and more books to add to my TBR list from my blogger friends. This is great.
Helen Ginger said…
Sounds like you'll be hosting two interesting authors.

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