The Muse and the Edits going well...

The Muse conference is so.... so good. I'm loving it. Of course, the homework takes lots of time, and the housework's not getting done. Dear son says no problem; he can't see the difference. Still, I did cut the grass yesterday 'cause the sun was shining and the ground had started to dry; neighbors aren't sons and they can see only too well when weeds start blowing in the wind.

I've also been writing and editing my first attempt at romance--Love on a Transfer. English boy and girl in America. Girl meets American. Girl dreams American dreams. Boy dreams girl... It grew to almost 30,000 words (in a week--I'm not sure how, though my Mum says I work well to deadlines. The Muse was my line, then the publisher I wanted to pitch it to wasn't there--does that make the deadline dead? Still, lots of other publishers are there, with great advice.) Now I think it's time to let my protagonists rest and stop talking to me--stop talking... please. If their story still looks readable in a few weeks' time maybe I'll take it for a walk; let a friend read it; let it stroll the internet in search of a home.

Ah well, back to Musing and homework, and housework maybe; I might have to do some washing or son might notice he's got nothing to wear.


Laura Eno said…
Wow! 30,000 in a week? You go!
Nicole Zoltack said…
30K in a week is awesome. I'm enjoying the conference too, but I agree, getting all the homework done is just not going to happen, at least for me it's not.
Carol Kilgore said…
Good for you!
And boo, hiss to dirty rotten housework.
Denise Covey said…
Man, that's a lot of words in one week. I'm interested in your e-publisher. Hope your books sell well..:)
Gladys Hobson said…
Great when the words flow. Who cares about housework — that can wait, your characters can't. They can be very demanding.
maryrussel said…
How wonderful! Wish I could borrow your muse. I intended to spend the day writing but there were just too many distractions. I need about 30,000 more words for the book I'm working on.

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