The 300 ?

I tried to follow a new blog today but a red-framed message popped up and wouldn't let me pass. It seems I'd reached my 300 limit, not that I'd remembered I had one. So now I have to "unfollow" some blogs before I can follow more.

No problem, thought I. I'll just get rid of all the inactive ones... So I clicked "manage" underneath my blogroll and found the management page doesn't bother to say when each blog posted last--in fact, it doesn't even say if the link still exists. So now I'm wandering, one by one, through 300 once-followed blogs to see which still post...

Meanwhile, there's that interesting question: Just how do you "unfollow" a blog? It's easy if there's a blogger navigation bar on top--just click on "Follow" and choose "Stop following." But so many blogs either don't have bars or weren't even made with blogger, so what about them?

I searched through help. The most popular advice was click "Follow" and... well, yes, but what if... Then I tried clicking on "settings" which brought up a window inviting me to log in, so I did and nothing happened. After a little more searching, I tried "settings" again; this time it brought up a window that offered the chance to stop following! Success at last. I'm no longer following a website where scriptural stories have disappeared into bathroom furnishings!

As of now, I'm following 291 blogs and I'm only down to D on my search through the links. What a pleasant way to spend a rainy afternoon...


You can follow more than 300 - just don't use the dashboard. When you find a blog you want to follow, click the "Follow through Google connect" rather than entering that address into your dashboard. Or you can copy the address and go to "Google Reader" and subscribe there. When I got close to 300 blogs, I switched to using Google Reader and it's much easier to manage as well. Try it!

And sorry, hope you didn't have to unfollow me...
maryrussel said…
I didn't even know there was a limit. i don't think I have ever used the dashboard to follow anyone though, so hopefully I won't have to worry about it.
Laura Eno said…
I never realized there was a limit, but I don't use the dashboard. I use the Google reader.
Laura Eno said…
I just noticed I lost a follower...was it you? LOL!
Aubrie said…
That's interesting there's a limit! I always wondered if my blog would explode someday because I'm following so many other blogs!
I've not reached the limit, wasn't even aware of the limit. However, I have been thinking for awhile now that I need to do something about followers and those I follow who've never even bothered to post a comment on any of my blogs.
Sheila Deeth said…
I can see I need to learn about Google connect and Google reader. Any advice would be gratefully received. But no, I haven't unfollowed any of you--only blogs that have stopped posting long ago. (Surprisingly, there's quite a few of them.)
Helen Ginger said…
I'm so glad you have a good attitude and called it pleasant spending a day learning to unfollow. When I read the post, I was thinking, what a pain in the patootie.
Linda Kage said…
I had no idea there was a limit on following either. But I'm glad I read Alex's comment, because surprisingly, that's usually what I do, follow through Google. Hmm. What a neat thing to learn.

Thanks fo ryour post.
Nikki (Sarah) said…
I wonder why that happened to you...that your limit stopped at 300. I follow more that and it never hapopened. But maybe cleaning up the blogroll is a good idea....thanks for posting the helpful hints. ☺
Carol Kilgore said…
I follow through Google Connect, too. It's easy.
Sheila Deeth said…
Okay, so I've finally found my way into Google reader. It looks kind of neat, though I'm guessing if I read this way I'll keep forgetting to leave comments. Am I missing something?
Laura Eno said…
That can happen if you read the post in the reader. Just click on the title of the post instead and it will take you to the blog.
Anonymous said…
Thank you for coming by and reading

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