What did I do this weekend?

What did I do this weekend? Well, we finally had the Summer Bazaar at our community center, so before the weekend I finished printing bookmarks, greetings cards, business cards, 2011 calendars, mini-books of drabbles and a rainbow of poetry books... Then on Saturday morning, bright and early (but not necessarily awake) I fell over in the parking lot. I spent the day manning my stall while trying to make sure my chin didn't start bleeding again, and reading the last Twilight book, Breaking Dawn, which I'd found while shopping for paper that wouldn't bleed printer ink on the calendars. I paid $20 for the stall and made $15. But I did finish the book.

On Sunday, feeling bruised and sore, I went to church in the morning, shopping in the afternoon, and in the evening read my brand new copy of Mockingjay, the last in the Hunger Games series.

Now it's Monday. I still feel bruised and sore, and I'm probably due to write at least two more book reviews. So, how was your weekend?

By the way, Breaking Dawn was good and Mockingjay was great.


Laura Eno said…
Oh no! I hope you're ok...
Bearman said…
Hey you are almost at break even for the day. Most authors dream of that.
Carol Kilgore said…
Take care of yourself and get those sore muscles back in shape. My weekend wasn't nearly as exciting as yours!
Amy DeTrempe said…
Sorry for your injury. Hope you feel b etter. My weekend was very dull in comparison.
Ouch, that must have hurt!

Sheila, this whole marketing thing is still a mystery even though I've been trying to figure it out for three years now. Although I participated in book signings and conferences, I sold the most books at a local two-day holiday market following Thanksgiving last year. Two whole days was exhausting, but it was also a lot of fun.

maryrussel said…
I'm so sorry you were injured. I hope you aren't as sore today. Marketing and promoting can be frustrating and confusing. I haven't hit on any sure fire way of making sales either. If I ever figure out what works, I'll let you know.

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