I'm back, and I won an award

I'm back from our trip, and I just won a Versatile Blogger award

Many thanks to Donna McDine at Write what Inspires You (http://donna-mcdine.blogspot.com/) for the surprise welcome back from my vacation. In accepting this award I have to thank the bestower (done), share seven things about myself (hmmm, I’m sure I’ve done that somewhere before), and pass the award on to fifteen newly discovered or followed friends.

Fifteen! Help! I have a feeling I’ve done this before too, but I’m not sure I’ve newly discovered another fifteen yet.

Anyway, seven things about me:

1) I’ve just been on vacation to San Juan Island.
2) I enjoyed a wonderful cooked gluten-free breakfast every day of my stay at Argyle House while we were there. Absolute luxury. If you’re gluten intolerant you’ll know what a wonderful treat that is.
3) I saw whales, lots of them, courtesy of Bill Carli who so expertly guided our boat—great commentary, great company, great fun.
4) I got a copy of Bill Carli’s recent novel, Stone Totem, which I have just enjoyed reading and will plan to review soon. What an amazing coincidence to find that the owner of the boat is a published writer! (And what a fun read.)
5) I heard whales, courtesy of the whale-watcher at Lime Kiln Point who told us they were there and told us what to look and listen for.
6) I had a wonderful time.
7) And the journey back took lots longer than the journey there because of traffic round Seattle. Note to self, travelling on Tuesday mornings is much easier than Friday afternoons.

So, onto those newly discovered blogs…

1. As I Grow In Faith – lyrical, beautiful prayer journal: http://www.asigrowinfaith.com/
2. Authors And Publishers Self Help Group – This one’s not got going yet, but looks like it will be interesting: http://anpshg.blogspot.com/
3. Barbara's Bakin N Bits – spiritual and food-flavored recipes for every day: http://bakinnbitsbarbara.blogspot.com/
4. Fiction With Faith – great interviews and book reviews. It’s where I met Tracy Krauss (see # 12 and 13): http://www.kararhunt.com/
5. IFB KJV Blog Directory – great Bible studies: http://ifbkjv.blogspot.com/
6. Katherine's Corner – more cool recipes (I think I need a gluten free recipe blog): http://goaskkatie.blogspot.com/
7. Lorilyn Roberts – The John 3:16 marketing Network. It sounds wonderful. You should really follow this one up if you’re writing or trying to network with Christian books: http://lorilynroberts.blogspot.com/
8. Marketing Your Book – lots of excellent advice: http://marketyourbookwithprogressive.blogspot.com/
9. News Blog for Wild Child and Freyas Bower – they publish good books, and they’re blog’s fun too: http://wcpfbnews.blogspot.com/
10. Notes From the Writing Chair – more book reviews. More giveaways. More fun: http://notesfromthewritingchair.blogspot.com/
11. Random Ramblings – randomly displaying beautiful July 4th pictures if you go over there right away: http://randombookishramblings.blogspot.com/
12. Tracy Krauss's blog: And the beat goes on is now available in e-book! Go find out about it: http://krauss.aegauthorblogs.com/
13. Tracy Krauss - Expression Express – and try to win a copy here: http://tracykraussexpressionexpress.blogspot.com/
14. 1st BOOKS: STORIES OF HOW WRITERS GET STARTED – that title’s kind of self-explanatory. A great blog: http://megwaiteclayton.com/1stbooks/
15. A Fiction-Filled Life – excellent interviews with writing advice: http://amberstockton.blogspot.com


Bearman said…
Get an award while on vacation.

I want to be rewarded for doing nothing..haha

Aubrie said…
Congrats on your award! I'd love to go on a whale watch, but I'm afraid of getting sick on the boat :(
Donna McDine said…
Sounds like you had wonderful vacation! I enjoyed getting to know you bette through your list.
Anonymous said…
That's quite a list of blogs you read!

How do you find the time?


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