Why do I love children's books?
I love being asked to review children's books. Sometimes the review I write will have as many words as the book I read, which is surely odd. But I'm writing to inform and guide a choice, perhaps. The author of the book is writing to teach, perhaps, and entertain.They are different functions I guess. I love reading children's books for the change of pace - a chance to read, enjoy, and sit back with a sense of completion much sooner than I might with an adult novel. I love them too for the art - I enjoy color and shape and the many different styles employed in children's books. And I love them for the sound of the words - a good children's book begs to be read aloud, rolls off the tongue, plays music in the ears. I love them for well-chosen words, for simplicity of message and directness of meaning, and for the clean simple lines of a tale quickly told, with plenty left to the imagination. I love writing children's books too. I wonder when my next book of anim...