Why Jackie Gamber loves Dragons

Today I'm delighted to welcome author Jackie Gamber to my blog. You may have read my reviews of her first two Leland Dragons books, Redheart and Sela. Soon I'll be able to enjoy the third book in the trilogy, Reclamation. But first, you get to enjoy learning why the author loves dragons so much. Welcome to my blog, Jackie Gamber.

Top Ten Reasons Jackie Gamber Loves Dragons

 JackieGamberBWAs the author of the Leland Dragon series, I’ve had ample opportunity to research, interview, and interact with dragons. I’ve even served on HADS: Humans Against Dragon Stereotypes, established by FODERP: Friends of Dragon Equality and Rights Preservation.

I can, with authority, say, however, that there isn’t enough time in the world to really, truly understand these mysterious, elusive creatures. As natural introverts, they evade attention, and the effect that media has had on their reputation as virgin-eaters and hoarders hasn’t endeared us to them, by any means.

So I’m happy to be involved in an effort to offset the myths and misunderstandings perpetrated by our culture by offering my list of top ten reasons I love dragons.
10. They have eclectic tastes in music. From Acid Rock to Bach, Count Basie to Ace of Base, dragons are impressively open minded and individualistic when it comes to musical entertainment.

 9. Dragons have wildly varied camouflage. It’s one of the reasons they are believed to be fewer in number than they really are. From the rainy-est green forest, to the arid copper sands of vast deserts, dragons have adapted to survive and thrive, and to become unified with their direct environment.

 8. They rival canines in their genetic size variance, from the hummingbird-sized sand skimmer (pygmaea flavus) to the mountain-dweller (tramea onustra), dragons come in fun- to biggie-sized!

 7. They have natural green thumbs! Meaning, they are terrific gardeners and foliage tenders, not necessarily that all of them have literally green digits.

 6. They love long walks on the beach.

 5. Most species are fire-breathers, and so are bring-your-own barbecues. They haven’t been willing to give up their favorite sauce recipes to me yet, but I’ve tasted them, and they are amazing.
 4. Dragons adore their tribes the way we value our family and friends. They bond the same way we do, and care and love, just like us.

 3. They have a terrific sense of humor! They also love riddles and puzzles. Some dragons have a dry, sophisticated sort of wit, and some giggle at downright sophomoric stunts, but as a whole, dragons can be a lot of fun to hang out with.

 2. They are also really good at board games.

But the number one, super important, reason above all reasons that I love dragons?

1. They love books! They are great readers, from the classics to horror, to science fiction and fantasy, dragons love reading books, sharing books, talking about books, and, if they hoard anything of treasure, then it would be their books. Some have even taken to e-books, when they have access to electricity for recharging. I have, of course, shared my books with them, and they have in turn tipped me off to some fabulous stories I might not otherwise have found.

It’s that giving and sharing attitude that make dragons such wonderful companions. And when it comes to books, there’s never too much of that good thing.

Jackie Gamber is the award-winning author of many short stories, screenplays, and novels, including “Redheart”, “Sela”, and “Reclamation”, Books one through three of the Leland Dragon Series. For more information about Jackie and her mosaic mind, visit http://www.jackiegamber.com

And meet Jackie elsewhere on the world wide web at:

Jackie's visiting my blog as part of a great Trilogy blog tour with Tomorrow Comes Media, and her fellow traveler is H. David Blalock, author of the Angelkiller Triad. Again, you may have read my reviews of the first two books, Angelkiller and Traitor Angel. And again, I'm eagerly awaiting the third. Perhaps I should have asked him here to tell me why he love angels (or does he)? But he's busy elsewhere. See the end of this post for lots more great interviews and articles with these two great authors!

Special Trilogy Virtual Tour Authors: Jackie Gamber and H. David Blalock Featured Books: Jackie Gamber’s Leland Dragon Series H. David Blalock’s Angelkiller Triad

JackieGamberBWAbout Jackie Gamber: As an award winning author, Jackie writes stories ranging from ultra-short to novel-length, varieties of which have appeared in anthologies such as Tales of Fantasy and Dragons Composed, as well as numerous periodical publications, including Orson Scott Card’s Intergalactic Medicine Show, The Binnacle, Mindflights Magazine, Necrotic Tissue, and Shroud. She is the author of the fantasy novel Redheart and Sela, and writing an alternate history time travel novel. She blogs professionally for English Tea Store.com, where she reviews classic science fiction and fantasy novels and pairs them with the ideal tea-sipping companion.

Jackie is a member of the professional organizations Science Fiction Writers of America and Horror Writers Association. She was named honorable mention in L. Ron Hubbard’s Writers of the Future Award, and received a 2008 Darrell Award for best short story by a Mid-South author. She is the winner of the 2009 Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Award for Imaginative Fiction for her story The Freak Museum, a post-apocalyptic tale that looks closely at perceptions and outward appearances and how they affect the way we see ourselves. Jackie Gamber was co-founder and Executive Editor of Meadowhawk Press, a speculative fiction publisher based in Memphis. One of their novels, Terminal Mind by David Walton, won the Philip K. Dick Memorial Award in 2009. Jackie also edited the award winning benefit anthology, Touched By Wonder. She has been a guest lecturer at Memphis Options High Schools, and is a speaker at writers’ conferences from Michigan to Florida. Jackie is also the visionary behind the MidSouthCon Writers’ Conference, helping writers connect since 2008.

GamberBookOne_RedheartCoverAbout Redheart - first in the Leland Dragon trilogy: Enter the lands of Leland Province, where dragon and human societies have long dwelled side by side. Superstitions rise sharply, as a severe drought strips the land of its bounty, providing fertile ground for the darker ambitions of Fordon Blackclaw, Dragon Council Leader, who seeks to subdue humans or wipe them off the face of the land.

As the shadow of danger creeps across Leland Province, a young dragon named Kallon Redheart, who has turned his back on dragons and humans alike, comes into an unexpected friendship. Riza Diantus is a young woman whose dreams can no longer be contained by the narrow confines of her village, and when she finds herself in peril, Kallon is the only one with the power to save her. Yet to do so means he must confront his past, and embrace a future he stopped believing in.

A tale of friendship, courage, and ultimate destiny, Redheart invites readers to a wondrous journey through the Leland Dragon Series.

HDavidBlalockBW  About H. David Blalock: Born in San Antonio, Texas, David spent the majority of his formative years in Jacksonville, Florida. At the age of 16, his family moved to the Panama Canal Zone where David finished school and entered employment with the Department of Defense as a Powerhouse Electrician. Hiring into the FAA, he returned with his wife and two daughters to the States and settled briefly in Gulfport, MS. A few years later, he moved to Memphis, TN, as an Air Traffic Controller for the Memphis ARTCC. There he remained until his retirement.

BlalockBookOne_AngelkillerCoverDavid’s writing has appeared in numerous anthologies, magazines, webzines, and writer’s sites. His work continues to appear on a regular basis through multiple publishing houses.

  About Angelkiller, first in the Angelkiller Trilogy: Why do bad things happen to good people? Simple. In the ancient war between the Angels of Light and Darkness, the Dark won. Now it is the job of an undercover force simply known as The Army to rectify that.

Using every tool available, The Army has worked to liberate our world from The Enemy for thousands of years, slowly and painfully lifting Mankind out of the dark. On the front of the great Conflict are the Angelkillers, veterans of the fight with centuries of experience.

Jonah Mason is an Angelkiller, and his cell is targeted as part of plot to unseat a very powerful Minion of The Enemy. Mason and his troop are drawn into a battle that stretches from real-time to virtual reality and back. The Conflict is about to expand into cyberspace, and if Mason is unable to stop it, The Enemy will have gained dominion over yet another realm.

Want to know more? Follow these author Links:

Jackie Gamber
Website: www.jackiegamber.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Jackie-Gamber-Story-Artist/334783969938507
Twitter: @jackiegamber

H. David Blalock
Website: http://thrankeep.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Writer.HDavidBlalock
Twitter: @Hdavidblalock


9/8 SpecMusicMuse Review
9/8 The Rage Circus Vs. The Soulless Void Multi-Blogger Interview Part 1
9/8 Horror Tree Guest Post (Blalock)
9/8 Elizabeth Delana Rosa ~Book Lover & Creator of Worlds~ Guest Post (Gamber)
9/9 Jorie Loves a Story Guest Post (About Gamber)
9/9 I Smell Sheep Interactive Thread with Jackie and Dave
9/9 Armand Rosamilia, Horror Author Guest Post (Blalock)
9/10 The Southern Belle from Hell Art of the Angelkiller Triad (Blalock)
9/10 Bee's Knees Review Guest Post (Gamber)
9/10 Blog of Sheila Deeth Guest Post (Gamber)
9/10 The Official Writing Blog of Deedee Davies Multi-Blogger Interview Part 2
9/10 Seers, Seraphs, Immortals & More Jackie Gamber Interviews H. David Blalock
9/11 Seers, Seraphs, Immortals & More H. David Blalock Interviews Jackie Gamber
9/11 Workaday Reads Guest Post (Gamber)
9/12 Vampires, Witches, & Me, Oh My! Guest Post (Gamber)
9/12 Trip Through My Mind Multi-Blogger Interview Part 3
9/12 Beauty In Ruins Guest Post (Blalock)
9/13 Jess Resides Here Review
9/14 Willow's Author Love Guest Post (Blalock)
9/14 Fantastical Musings Multi-Blogger Interview Part 4
9/14 Jorie Loves a Story Guest Post (Gamber)


Amazon Links for Redheart, the First Book of Jackie Gamber’s Leland Dragon Series:
Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/Redheart-Leland-Dragon-Jackie-Gamber-ebook/dp/B004VFNJIA
Print Version: http://www.amazon.com/Redheart-Leland-Dragon-Jackie-Gamber/dp/0983108676

Amazon Links for Angelkiller, the First Book of H. David Blalock’s Angelkiller Triad:
Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/Angelkiller-Triad-Book-1-ebook/dp/B006CR84AI
Print Version: http://www.amazon.com/Angelkiller-H-David-Blalock/dp/0983740232


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