Best Friends Forever write book reviews

Three new anthologies were released today, and I have a story in one of them. My Hemlock friends will soon be in print for the first time ever with a short story, Passage, in Seventh Star Press's A Hero's Best Friend. You can find it on kindle or nook at:

Or look for it in print next week!

Meanwhile the Seelie and Unseelie Courts have their day in a Chimerical World at:


I'm eagerly looking forward to reading all these--Seventh Star Press have such great books! But, in the meantime, here are some books I've read and reviewed recently, with corresponding cups of coffee to help me stay awake on this snow-bound afternoon!

Since the above are all fantasy tales, I'll start with Antediluvian, by R. M. Huffman, a pref-flood fantasy with a difference, where Noah, Methuselah and co (from the Bible) are the main protagonists, dinosaurs roam the earth, giant children of angels build cities and plans, and man fights to save his way of life, his faith, and his future. It's intriguing, mythological, and fun, and a smooth exciting read, best enjoyed with a 4-star elegant, complex cup of coffee.

Foreverland is Dead, by Tony Bertauski offers sci-fi fantasy in a more modern world, combining the feel of Lord of the Flies with questions of identity, dreams and reality in a fascinating mystery. Girls trapped together can't remember who they are or why they're here, but food is running out and technology's intrusions seem designed to keep them in the dark. Enjoy this one with a 5-star dark intense coffee.

Set nicely in the very real present-day world of a small English-Welsh village, Sir Humphrey at Batch Hall, by Peter Maughan is built around a rather less scary mystery, with side-steps into farce, delightful humor, and such wonderfully evocative descriptions you'll feel you know both people and place. It's a delightful literary gem, highly recommended, and best enjoyed with some well-balanced, full-flavored 3-star coffee.

Going back to the 1960s in America, Beginning Anew, by Paula Rose Michelson tells of American Catholic opposition to Spanish American Jews, revealing (to this British ex-pat) just how recently America might have been a seriously unfriendly place. The underlying Christian love story is told against a background of racial and religious prejudice, creating a rather weighty and solemn love story, best enjoyed with a bold dark intense 5-star coffee.

Finally, going much further back, but staying in America, Hand me down bride, by Juliet Waldron tells the story of a mail-order bride, widowed on her wedding night and unable to go home. There again, perhaps she won't want to go home, as the son of her would-be spouse begins to conquer the demons of his service in America's Civil War. A pleasing historical romance, this one's best enjoyed with some 2-star lively, easy-drinking coffee.

Then there's Weightless by Michele Gorman, but I'm supposed to wait until the 11th to post my review of this short Valentine's tale, so you'll have to wait too.


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