A season for giving, loving, and sharing...

I'm not sure where the year is going, or how it's getting there, but rumor has it Thanksgiving's almost upon us with Christmas following after.

A time of giving and thanks...
A time to remember those in need perhaps...

And a new book, coming soon, offers the chance to do both. It's called Christmas Lites III, and it contains stories from twenty-one authors who've given their time and their writing to aid victims of domestic crime:

Addison Moore
A.F. Stewart
Amy Eye
Angela Yuriko Smith
Ben Warden
Cassie McCown
Elizabeth Evans
J.A. Clement
JG Faherty
Jonathan Tidball
M.L. Sherwood
Monica La Porta
Ottilie Weber
Patrick Freivald
Phil Cantrill
Robert Gray
Ron C. Neito
S. Patrick Pothier
Tricia Kristufek
Vered Ehsani
*Brandon Eye bonus story

Editor/compiler: Amy Eye of The Eyes for Editing
Cover Design Kyra Smith

Link to the charity: www.ncadv.org

What a gorgeous coer! And what a wonderful list of authors. It's slated for release on December 3rd, so look out for more information around the internet, and enjoy!

Christmas Lites III Blurb:
The Christmas season is upon us yet again. Yes, my friends, it is a time of giving, loving, and sharing. Within these pages is a way you can help many people desperately in need of love, support, and goodness: the victims of domestic crime. By purchasing this anthology, you are sending every last dime made off this book to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The NCADV is an amazing charity that saves these people and lets them know there is still hope, still goodness, and still a reason to carry on.
Twenty-one authors have joined in this year, giving their time and their stories to these people – and to you. We all hope you enjoy our holiday tales captured in bite-size pieces. Whether you read this on the bus, before bed, or snuggled by the fire, please, do read – and share.


 For Thanksgiving reading, a book  of 30 illustrated stories from the Bible and the Holy Land gives readers 30 reasons to be thankful. Thanks to Createspace's new distribution deal, it's now available on Amazon and at Barnes and Noble:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Thanksgiving-From-Eden-Eternity-words/dp/1478264748/
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/thanksgiving-from-eden-to-eternity-in-100-words-a-day-sheila-deeth/1112663791?ean=9781478264743

For Advent, my book of 31 illustrated stories, perfect to go with that Advent calendar (chocolate or otherwise), is likewise enjoying Createspace's distribution deal. Find a review at http://jaynechaseloseke.com/2013/11/20/christmas-by-sheila-deeth/ and find the book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble at:

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Christmas-Genesis-Revelation-100-words/dp/1478149132/
Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/christmas-genesis-to-revelation-in-100-words-a-day-sheila-deeth/1112663681?ean=9781478149132

And for Christmas, you can follow the Bethlehem's Baby blog tour at http://sheiladeeth.blogspot.com/p/bethlehems-baby-tour.html or find today's post at http://charlene-raddon.blogspot.com/


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